Malachi Kenken - Autism (Papua New Guinea) Posted on August 15, 2014

Name: Malachi Kenken      
Sex: Male
Country: Papua New Guinea
Age:9 years
Date:July 21, 2014
Days Admitted to Hospital: 21 days

Before treatment:
            He was born through a full-term normal delivery. There was no history of oxygen deficit during the time of his birth. Family member found the patient suffered from hyperactivity and language retardation. He had difficulty with sitting quietly, even with favorite TV show, he only could sit for 5-10 minutes quietly. He couldn't answer question precisely. He always says to himself few phrases or sentences. The patient would get angry or cry if he couldn't do the things he wants. The patient suffered from behavioral disorders and couldn't go to school. He could do something to follow some instructions. He was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome and autism 1 year ago.

           From the onset of disease, the patient's spirit was excited and hyperactive. The diet and sleep was regular. There was no familial disease.

Admission PE:
            Bp: 102/65mmHg; Hr: 100/min. The development and nutrition were normal. The body type was normal. The respiratory sounds in both lungs were clear, with no dry or moist rales. The heart sounds were strong; the rhythm of his heartbeat was normal, with no obvious murmur in the valves. The abdomen was flat and soft, with no pressing pain or rebound tenderness. The liver and spleen were not palpable under the ribs.

Nervous System Examination:
            Malachi Kenken was alert and his spirit was good. He was hyperactive and couldn't sit quietly. He could sit calmly for 5 minutes. He talks to himself too much. His speech was most of singular words and some were phrase. His pronunciation was clear. He often didn’t answer others when questioned. He could repeat other words after we asked. Sometimes, he could answer accurately. He could finish something according to others' instruction. He could count numbers from 1 to 10. He was unable to cooperate with the examination of computation, memory or orientation. He had poor cooperation and comprehension, judgment and attention. He had eye contact with others. He couldn't cooperate with the examination of cranial nerve, sensory system, coordinate movement or meningeal irritation sign. He also couldn't cooperate with the examination of muscle strength or muscle tone. The muscle strength and muscle tone of four limbs was normal through preliminary judgment. The tendon reflex of four limbs was slowed down. He couldn't cooperate with the examination of bilateral abdominal reflex. Bilateral pathological character was negative.

           After admission, the patient received the relevant examinations. The patient was diagnosed with Autism. He received treatment for nerve regeneration and to activate stem cells in vivo. The patient received treatment to improve the blood circulation and also to nourish his neurons. This was accompanied with physical rehabilitation.

            The patient's condition is stable. He is alert and has good spirit. The hyperactivity disorders is alleviated obviously. He can pay attention better. He can watch film by himself. He can listen to music and listen for dozens of minutes. He has more communication with family members. He can answer family members question correctly. He can say a sentence with 6 words. The leaning ability has strengthened. The calculation ability, orientation, memory, comprehension and attention are better than before. He has eye contact with others. He has better cooperation with the examination of cranial nerve, sensory system, coordinate movement and meningeal irritation sign. He has better ability to undertake activities of daily living.

Email from Malachi's parents:

Date: 2014-8-19

Dear Dr Susan,

          Greetings from Papua New Guinea! Please, pass our deepest appreciation to Dr. Wu, Dr Wang and all the doctors involved in Malachi��s treatment and therapy. We also thank Liza, the helpful nurses , the driver, the cleaners and everyone who made our stay at Wu medical centre a very memorable and  comfortable one.

         We are so grateful to see much progress already in Malachi. For the first time on Thursday 14th August ,we travelled from Beijing to Papua New Guinea via Manila without any major hiccups or stress. At the Beijing Airport Malachi was a little excited but he relaxed on the flight and we travelled home without any stress or problem. It was actually a miracle for us to see that he was calm, quiet and followed instructions while transiting and travelling on this long journey home.

          He has been settling down and sleeping more after taking his medicines here at home. He is faithfully taking all his medicines without a fight and that's really amazing. We are still looking for a good teacher and therapist for him. We will continue to update you on his development.

         Thanks again and our kind regards and love to you all.       



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