Joanna Kristina Olivia-Autism-(Indonesia)
Name: Joanna Kristina Olivia
Sex: Female
Nationality: Indonesian
Age: 13Y
Diagnosis: Autism
Treatment hospital/period: Wu Medical Center/12 days
Before treatment:
The patient was found to have language development retardation. As a two and a half year old she could say very simple words but not a sentence. She had less eye contact, cognitive function was poor and she did not like to communicate with people. At the age of 4 years she was diagnosed with "autism". From 5 to 10 years of age her attention was not easy to focus. Emotions and behavior were prone to be radical, she bit her fingers and she was aggressive. The condition was better after she reached 10 years of age. She was taken to a local hospital and examinations found a number of heavy metals excess. She was given oral medication (specific drugs and doses unknown). Two years later there was still cadmium, cesium and lead excess. At present she can say a few simple words such as father, mother, house, sleep, water and other single words. She cannot say a complete sentence. She can repeat a small number of words to complete a simple answer. When restless she bites her own fingers in an irritable way often with her molars. She has aggressive behavior, poor learning and understanding ability, inattention, other abnormal behavior and sometimes bed-wetting. She was brought to our hospital for further treatment. She is hyperactive, has low communication skills but her diet is good. Her urination and defecation abilities are both normal. She can sleep well.
Admission PE:
Bp: 110/56mmHg, Hr: 90/min. Breathing rate is 20/min. Height: 141cm weight 33.5Kg. The patient shows normal physical development and nutrition status,. Chest development is normal, breathing sounds of both lungs are clear with no dry or moist rales. The heart beat is powerful with regular cardiac rhythm and no murmur of the valves. The abdomen was soft with no masses or tenderness, liver and spleen are in the normal position by touch examination.
Nervous System Examination:
Patient was alert, mental status is fine. She did not like to communicate with others but she can respond passively. She cannot complete the examination of orientation and memory ability. Her comprehension, concentration, judgment and cooperation are poor. She can only speak a few simple words such as father, mother, house, water, etc, and she cannot finish one sentence. She can repeat part of what others say and follow some simple commands. She had dysphoria sometimes and she always bites her fingers. She was irritable and she had aggressive behaviour when she felt angry. The bilateral pupils were equal in size and round, diameter of 3.0 mm, react well to light, eyeballs can move freely. There was no nystagmus. Bilateral forehead wrinkle and nasolabial fold are symmetrical. Showing teeth is normal, she can make her tongue extend as normal and there is no tongue muscle tremor. The soft palate of both sides are normal. The chewing ability is not good and she usually swallows food without chewing. Her neck can move freely and she can shrug in a normal manner. Muscle power of the 4 limbs is 5 degrees, muscle tone of all 4 limbs is normal and tendon reflex of the 4 limbs are normal. Abdominal reflex of both sides are normal, bilateral Hoffmann sign is negative, sucking reflex is negative, bilateral palm-jerk reflex is negative, chin reflex is negative, Babinski sign of both sides are negative. She cannot complete the sensory examination and coordinator movement ability tests. The meningeal irritation sign is negative.
After the admission she received related examinations and was diagnosed with autism. She received 3 neural stem cell injections and 3 mesenchymal stem cell injections to repair her damaged nerves, replace dead nerves with new injected stem cells, nourish nerves, regulate the immune system and improve blood circulation. This was done with rehabilitation training.
After 12 days of treatment her aggressive behaviour reduced, she did not grind her teeth as much as before and she could pay attention for longer. The learning ability improved and her speech was better. She can pronounce words much more clearly than before and her vocabulary has increased.