Weiqiang Liang - Brain Injury (China) Posted on November 10, 2009

Name: Weiqiang Liang  

Sex: Male

Age: 55 

Country: China

Diagnosis: Postoperative Cerebral Trauma

Beginning of First Treatment: 2006-11-06

Days Admitted: 92

Beginning of Second Treatment: 2007-04-21

Days Admitted: 62

Beginning of Third Treatment: 2009-09-27

Days Admitted: 21


Weiqiang fell down the stairs in May, 2006. His head hit the floor and then he lost consciousness. He was sent to Baotou Hospital immediately. The head CT examination showed that he had suffered a traumatic cerebral hemorrhage. After the treatment he regained consciousness, but he had difficulty answering simple questions. One week later, Weiqiang started having convulsions without inducement. His eyes gazed upwards, flexure of both upper limbs, inability to bend both lower limbs, intermittent seizures for 7 hours. After the head CT examination, he immediately underwent surgery. After the operation, he was presented with dysphagia, barylalia and dysphoria.

First Treatment: 

Days Admitted: 92

Weiqiang was given treatment to nourish the nerves and improve cerebral blood circulation, and given antiepileptic medication. One month later, he received a cranioplasty, but his condition showed no improvement. He was presented with dysphagia, alalia and slow movement in all four limbs.


Weiqiang's overall mood has improved markedly and he no longer suffers from mania. He can eat by himself; can walk with unilateral support and take normal strides. He can control his walking speed, but he still has difficulty with his balance. His sleeping patterns are near normal. His emotional outbursts have noticeably decreased. His speech is clearer now.

Weiqiang and his family members have expressed their satisfaction with the treatment and the outcome. They have decided to come back to our medical center for a second round of treatment.

Second Treatment:

Days Admitted: 62

Weiqiang was given treatment in order to expand the blood vessels and nourish the neurons. He was also given treatment to build up the body's resistance, and stem cell transplantation.


Weiqiang's speech is clearer than before, and his walking ability has continued to improve. His feelings of dizziness have decreased.

Third Treatment:

Days Admitted: 21

Weiqiang was given treatment in order to expand the blood vessels and nourish the neurons. He was also given treatment to build up the body's resistance, and stem cell transplantation.


Weiqiang's emotional state has continued to improve. His behavior is under control. His cognitive abilities and memory have been restored to normal. He can sit up and stand up by himself. He can walk up stairs while using the hand rail with someone's help. He can eat by himself and take care of himself in a basic way.

Weiqiang's wife has written an article expressing their gratitude. The article can be read at: http://www.unistemcells.com/en/news/2009101916715941.htm




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