Rammer Chaucer - Sequela of brain injury (Saudi Arabia)

Name: Rammer Chaucer           
Sex: Female
Country: Saudi Arabia
Age:11 years
Diagnosis: Sequela of brain injury
Date:June 24, 2014
Days Admitted to Hospital: 14 days

Rammer Chaucer came to our hospital for treatment in July 2011. After that treatment, Rammer Chaucer has a better temperament, and can consult with others when any problems arise. Short-term memory test: the patient can remember 2 items in 20 seconds. The short term memory has improved. She can remember past things that happened during the day and yesterday. Her learning ability and cognitive functioning have improved. She can count from 1 to 20 in Chinese, and knows how to write from 1 to 5. Both her vision were poor. She had difficulty with distinguishing the shape in a card. The muscle tone of both her lower limbs has reduced when she began moving them. The action of both lower limbs are more flexible than before. For further improvement, the patient came to our hospital again in June 2014.

Admission PE:
Bp: 98/60 mmHg. Hr: 94/min. The nutritional was normal. The height: 133cm, weight: 26Kg. The respiration in both lungs was clear, no dry or moist rales. Through auscultation, cardiac rhythm was regular, with no obvious murmur in auscultatory valve areas. The liver and spleen was not enlarged. There was a 7cm scar post exploratory laparotomy in the abdomen.  There was no swelling in both lower limbs.

Nervous System Examination:
Rammer Chaucer was alert and in good spirits. Her memory was low down evidently. She had difficulty to remember all the things that happened the day before and even as short time like few hours as before. The orientation was normal. The calculation abilities were low down evidently, she could only add up to 5, and only could a count from 1 to 50. Both pupils were equal in size and round, the diameter was 3.0mms. The pupils reacted slowly to light stimulus. The vision of both eyes was poor. She couldn't distinguish the shape in a card from 50cm distance. The left eyeball was not flexible with up and down movements. The right eyeball was not flexible with up and down movements or adduction movements. The convergence ability of both eyes was poor. There was no nystagmus and both eyes could close strongly. The bilateral nasolabial groove was symmetrical. The patient could chew symmetrically and strongly. The hearing was normal in both ears. She could raise her soft palate in an almost symmetrical manner. The tongue was shifted to the left side. There was no atrophy or fibrillation in the tongue. The muscle strength of the right limbs was at level 5 and the left limbs was at level 5-. The muscle tone of her four limbs was normal. She limped slightly when she walked. The tendon reflex of her four limbs was active. Bilateral Babinski's sign was positive. The deep and shallow sensations were normal. The coordinate test of both sides were normal.

We initially gave Rammer Chaucer a complete examination and she was diagnosed with sequela of brain injury. She received treatment for nerve regeneration and to activate stem cells in vivo. At the same time, she received treatment to improve the blood circulation in order to increase the blood supply to the damaged neurons, and to nourish the brain cells. She was also given daily physical rehabilitation training.

At present, Rammer Chaucer has a better mood. She has a richer emotion than before. Her reaction time is better than before. She has a better ability to communicate and make contact with others. She can concentrate attentively. Her memory and orientation are better than before. The vision of her both eyes is better than before. She can distinguish the shape in a card from 2 meters distance. At present, the treatment plan has been completed and the discharge has been permitted.


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