Kim Hae jeong - Myelitis sequela(Korea) Post on July 11, 2011

Name: Kim Hae jeong  

Sex: Female

Age: 11

Country: Korea

Diagnosis: Myelitis sequela

Beginning Treatment Date: 2011-05-21

Days Admitted to the Hospital: 34

Kim first developed pain in the pelvic area about 20 months ago and it was not clear what was causing the pain. Soon after this she began to have difficulties with moving her legs and developed a sensory disturbance. Her family members sent her to the local hospital for emergency treatment. The doctors there suggested that Kim be brought to a larger hospital for treatment. When she was transferred to a larger hospital she received a series of examinations. Acute transverse myelitis was considered, and she was given appropriate treatment. Her condition did not improve even after receiving two rounds of stem cell treatment. For further treatment, Kim went to our medical center.
At the time of Kim's admission to Wu Stem Cells Medical Center, her breathing was weak. She had a bladder fistula. There was mild muscle atrophy in both legs.

During the examination of the nervous system, the arms had flexible movement, the muscle strength was level 5, and the muscle tone was normal. There was no autonomous movement in the legs, the muscle strength was level 0, and the muscle tone was low. The tendon reflex of both upper limbs was normal. The patellar tendon reflex of both lower limbs was not elicited. There was clonus in both ankles. The bilateral abdominal reflex of the mid-abdomen and upper abdomen was elicited, but the reflex of the lower abdomen was not elicited. The deep and shallow sensation above the L1 was normal. The shallow sensation between the right L1 and L3 was diminished. The shallow sensation below the left L1 and the right L3 was non-existent. The bilateral vibration sensation below the L1 was diminished. The bilateral Hoffmann's sign was positive; the bilateral palm jaw reflex was negative. The sucking reflex was negative. The bilateral Babinski's sign was negative. Kim could finish the finger-to-nose test, rapid rotation test and digit opposition test normally. She had difficulty with the heel-knee-shin test.

Before the start of the cells activation treatment program, we gave Kim a complete examination, and she was diagnosed with myelitis sequela and mild anemia. She received treatment to improve the blood circulation in order to increase the blood supply to the damaged nerves and to nourish the neurons. We also gave her some iron supplements and daily physical rehabilitation training.

After the completion of the treatment Kim's weight was 23.5kgs. The shrugging strength of the shoulders, the supporting strength of both upper limbs and the iliopsoas have been enhanced. The biceps, rectus abdominis and pelvic girdle muscles are fuller than before. Controlling the muscles is easier for Kim now and her balance while sitting has improved. The muscle strength of both lower limbs' proximal-end is level 2. The middle toe on the left foot has occasional activity. The right side of the L2-L4 segments appears to now have vibration sensation. The bilateral reflex of the lower abdomen has been elicited, the right side is remarkable.



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