Adel Humoud Masoudi - Myelitis sequela (Saudi Arabia) Post on December 1, 2010

Name: Adel Humoud Masoudi   
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Country: Saudi Arabia
Diagnoses: Myelitis sequela, bedsores
Beginning Treatment Date: 2010-10-07
Days Admitted to the Hospital: 34

Adel Humoud Masoudi is a 30 year old male; he was presented with progressive motor dysfunction, movement disorder, bowel and bladder dysfunction and a chest infection for the past year. He was diagnosed with Myelitis sequela. Adel suffered a car accident, and damaged the L3-L4 lumbar segments, and underwent an operation. After the operation, Adel's movements of the limbs did not improve. He received a skin-grafting operation in order to heal the bedsores on the skin of the buttocks, 6 months ago. There were no negative post-operative effects.

Nervous System Examination:
Adel was alert and could speak fluently. His memory, calculation and orientation abilities were normal. Both pupils were equal in size and round, the diameter was 3.0mm, with normal reaction to light stimulus. Both eyeballs could move freely. The forehead wrinkle pattern was symmetrical. The tongue was centered in the oral cavity and the teeth were shown without deflection. Adel could move his neck normally. The muscle tone of the upper limbs was normal, and the muscle strength of the upper limbs was level 5. The muscle tone of the lower limbs was high; the muscle strength of the lower limbs was level 0. The tendon reflexes of the upper limbs were normal, while the lower limbs had tendon hyporeflexia. The abdominal reflexes were not elicited.

Above the L4, the pain sensation was normal. Below the L4, the pain sensation was diminished. Above the L4, the vibration sensation was normal. Between the L5 and L6, the vibration sensation was decreased. Below the L6, the vibration sensation was non-existent. The bilateral Hoffman's and Rossilimo's signs were negative. The palmomental reflex was negative, the left Babinski's sign was negative, and the right Babinski 's sign was suspicious positive. The bilateral ankle clonus was negative. The examination of the coordinated movements of the upper limbs was normal; his lower limbs could not cooperate with the examination of the coordinated movements.

We initially gave Adel a complete examination. Then he received stem cell activation treatment to nourish the neurons and improve the blood circulation in order to increase the blood supply to the damaged neurons. He was given anti-inflammatory treatment and had his immunity strengthened. Adel was also given daily physical rehabilitation training and had his dressings changed to relieve the pressure on his bedsores.

The bedsores have healed. The plane of sensitivity has increased one segment. The clonus in both lower limbs has decreased obviously, and the muscle tone has been noticeably reduced. The muscle strength of the waist and abdomen has increased; the muscle strength of both lower limbs has increased to level 1. The right lower limb can maintain a passively flexed position for several seconds. Adel can completely sit up and support himself, and he can switch body positions with some improvement.


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