Lauren - Encephalitis sequela (Australian) Posted on July 3, 2014
Name: Lauren Alfred Kennedy
Sex: Female
Country: Australian
Age:9 years
Diagnosis: Encephalitis sequela
Date:April 24, 2014
Days Admitted to Hospital: 28 days
Before treatment:
The patient was born full-term and had no abnormalities when she was born. The weight was 3.2 Kg and aspen/Apgar score was 9. There was no postpartum infection. There was no obvious abnormalities in 3 months. She received vaccination when she was 3 months, then the patient suffered from high fever, the temperature reached 39 degrees. The patient cried all the time and didn't sleep. The patient couldn't take food normally. After treatment, the patient's condition was better than before. But the patient suffered from intelligence retardation and also retardation in movement. He could not speak. The patient suffered from epileptic seizure when he was 22 months old. She had tonic clonic seizure and it lasted about 17 minutes. The EEG examination results was normal. The patient took clonazepam for 1 year. She suffered another epileptic seizure when she was 7 years. The epileptic seizure lasted for 3 minutes. She stopped taking the antiepileptic medication drug.
Before the treatment, the patient could not speak. Her four limbs had hyperactivity. She couldn't crawl, turn over or sit-up. She had poor response and had response when others call her name. She could understand simple language and only could sound simple language. She had semiliquid through mouth and diet through gastrostomy. The patient had normal spirit and had semiliquid. She couldn't control defecation. The weight had no obvious change. There was no hereditary disease.
Admission PE:
Bp: 85/60mmHg; Hr: 120/min, Br: 23/min. Height: 109cm, weight: 17.5Kg. The skin and mucosa were normal, with no damage or petechia. Thorax was symmetrical. Through auscultation, the respiratory sounds in both lungs were rough, with no obvious dry or moist rales. The heart rate was faster than normal and the cardiac rhythm was clear, with no murmur in the valves. The abdomen was soft, with no masses. There were no malformation in four limbs.
Nervous System Examination:
Lauren Alfred Kennedy was alert. Intelligence development was delayed. She responded when she was called. She could understood simple language. She could cry and smile. She could not speak and only could make simple sounds of words. She could chew. She had cough sometimes when she was swallowing. She had soft diet. Both pupils were equal in size and round, the diameter was 3.0mms. Both eyes were sensitive to light stimuli. The movement of both eyeballs was flexible. There was no obvious nystagmus. She could cooperate with the examination of vision. She still could control head. She couldn't turn over and sideward. The four limbs had activity. The muscle tone of her four limbs increased. Bilateral Babinski sign was positive. There were no signs of meningeal irritation. She couldn't cooperate with other examinations.
We initially gave Lauren Alfred Kennedy a complete examination, and she was diagnosed with Encephalitis sequela. The patient received treatment for nerve regeneration and to activate stem cells in vivo. The patient received treatment to nourish the neurons and improve the blood circulation in order to increase the blood supply. This was accompanied with rehabilitation therapy.
The patient has autonomous language and the command in language increased gradually. The involuntary movement of her four limbs has reduced obviously. There is no obvious hyperactivity. The perform capability is enhanced than before. She can grasp and take off some big objects. The muscle strength of her waist and both lower limbs have improved. The scissors gait is alleviated when she walks. The patient's heart rate is 90-100/min, is better than before.
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