Yoo Shin Woo - Bilateral retinal degeneration (Korea) Posted on June 3, 2013
Name: Yoo Shin Woo
Sex: Female
Country: Korea
Age: 58
Diagnoses: 1.Bilateral retinal degeneration, 2. Hyperlipidemia
Admission Date: 2013-04-29
Days Admitted to the Hospital: 28
Before treatment:
The patient suffered from blurred vision in both eyes 7 years ago. She couldn't judge the height of the stairs and the distance of the stairs. She couldn't distinguish small color differences in an object. So she went to the local hospital and received fundus examination, head CT, head MRI and Hematology tumor markers examination. The results showed no abnormalities. She didn't receive a definite diagnosis and therapy. The disease progressed gradually. The patient couldn't distinguish any object from a long distance. She distinguished objects only through touching. She still could distinguish script and transverse lines from 15cm distance. The patient disease worsened 3 months ago. Then the patient's disease worsened further. She could only distinguish part of the objects outline from 2 meter distance. She couldn't distinguish the script and transverse line at short distances. She couldn't distinguish most colors.
Nervous System Examination:
Yoo Shin Woo was alert and her speech was clear. The memory, orientation and calculation abilities were normal. The diameter of both pupils was 4.0mms. Both pupils had sensitive responses to light stimuli. Both eyeballs could move freely. There was no obvious nystagmus. Both eyes had blurred vision. The vision has declined. Neither eye could distinguish the object's outline or color when her face was 2 meters distance from the object. The patient's peripheral visual field was clearer than central visual field when her face was 2 meters distance from the object. Both eyes could distinguish the card's pattern from 15cm distance. The patient couldn't distinguish pink, purple or other light colors. Standard visual acuity chart: both eyes were 0.1 from 50cm distance. Single eye was 0.06 from 50cm distance. The visual field of both eyes was almost normal. Through the ophthalmoscope the fundus of both eyes was orange and had yellow effusion. The color of the fundus of both eyes was darker than normal. The arteriovenous ratio was 1:3. The forehead wrinkle pattern was symmetrical. The nasolabial sulcus was equal in depth. The teeth were symmetrical and the tongue was centered in the oral cavity. There was flexible movement in the neck. The muscle tone of all four limbs was almost normal; the muscle strength of all four limbs was almost level 5. The abdominal reflexes were elicited normally. Bilateral biceps reflex, radioperiosteal reflex, patellar tendon reflex and Achilles tendon reflex were active. The sucking reflex and palm jaw reflex were negative. Bilateral Hoffmann sign was negative. The Rossolimo sign of both upper limbs was positive. The pathological reflex of both lower limbs was negative. The deep and shallow sensation existed. The coordinated movements were normal. There were no signs of meningeal irritation.
We gave Yoo Shin Woo a complete examination and she was diagnosed with bilateral retinal degeneration. She received treatment to improve the blood circulation in order to increase the blood supply to the damaged nerves. She was also given treatment for nerve regeneration, cell activation, nourish the neurons and regulate blood fat.
Yoo Shin Woo's both eyes can distinguish objects from a further distance. Both eyes of the patient can distinguish the outline of an object from 2 meters distance. She can distinguish the pattern of the card with a background color from 30-40 cm distance. She can distinguish red from 1 meter distance. Both eyes' vision is better than before. Standard visual acuity chart: both eyes are 0.15 from 50cm distance, both eyes are 0.06 from 1.5 meter distance, single eye is 0.06 from 50cm distance. Through the ophthalmoscope: the yellow exudation in fundus of both eyes has been reduced. The arteriovenous proportion is 2:3.