Apichat Pepathum - Retinitis Pigmentosa (Thailand) Post on February 23, 2012

Name: Apichat Pepathum                 
Sex: Male
Country: Thailand
Age: 49
Diagnoses: 1.Retinitis Pigmentosa, 2. hypertension level 2 (high risk)
Admission Date: 2012-01-12
Days Admitted to Hospital: 28

Identifying Information:
Apichat has had progressive deterioration of the vision in both eyes for more than 40 years, as well as a decline in color vision for the past year. Initially the deterioration of his vision was characterized by blurriness, mainly at nighttime. The loss of vision was gradual and at age 16 the range of the visual field in both eyes started to narrow, but was more severe in the right eye but at this time did not affect his daily life too much and he was still able to work, drive a car, etc. About six years ago, the loss of vision in both eyes rapidly increased. At this time he could no longer drive a car. His vision in bright sunlight was greatly affected. The amount of time it took for his eyes to adapt to the absence of light during nighttime was extended. He had difficulty seeing nearby objects and the ability to distinguish between different colors greatly decreased one year ago. The Retinitis Pigmentosa was inherited from his Grandfather and Apichat never received treatment until recently. They went to Wu Stem Cells Medical for treatment and think the medical ceter will help him.

Nervous System Examination:
Apichat was alert and his speech was clear. His memory, orientation and calculation abilities were normal. The diameter of both pupils was 2.0mms, and both pupils were sensitive to both direct and indirect light stimuli. The examination of the night visual acuity showed the ability to only see shadows up to 2 meters distance, and the inability to distinguish between the colors of clothes or the outline of facial features. There was the ability to see the outline of facial features from a distance of 30-40cms, but in a vague manner. The examination of the daytime visual acuity showed that the visual field of the right eye's nasal side and the bitamporal visual field had an angle of 5 degrees (radius was 16cms). The visual field of the right eye's upper and lower side had an angle of 4 degrees (radius was 12cms). Visual field of the left eye: The central visual field had a diameter of 1cm, and the peripheral vision was completely gone. Standard visual acuity chart with interior light: from 3 meters distance: right eye 0.15, left eye 0.06. From 1.3 meters distance: right eye 0.2, left eye 0.1. Both eyes had blurred vision aside from 3 meters distance, and couldn't distinguish the numbers or objects. The eyes could only distinguish yellow; other colors couldn't be distinguished completely. The vision was poor under hard light, and there was difficulty adapting to hard light. The scotopia was poor, and the dark adaptation time was greatly extended. The eyesight was poorer during the nighttime than during the daytime.The movement of the eyeballs in either direction was delayed. The range of activity was sufficient, and there was no obvious nystagmus. Through use of an ophthalmoscope, the color of the optical disk was presented with a yellowish color and there was atrophy in the optical disk. The retinal blood vessels were found to be thin, and the retina was a grayish blue color and there was pigmentation near the ambitus of the retina.

We gave Apichat a complete examination and he was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa. He received treatment to improve the blood circulation in order to increase the blood supply to the damaged nerves. He was also given treatment to nourish the neurons, enhance the body's immune system and had the blood pressure lowered.

Apichat's condition has improved. Night vision: Both eyes can see more clearly at a distance of 2 meters. Daylight vision: the binocular visual field has been enlarged; the visual field of the left eye's nasal side, bitamporal upper side and lower side has increased by 1-2 degrees. The binocular vision is better than before. The standard visual acuity chart with interior light: from 1.3 meters distance: the right eye's vision increased to 0.25, the left eye's vision increased to 0.15. Both eyes can see more clearly than before. Apichat can see his facial features clearly in the mirror. He has better color vision, and can sometimes distinguish between yellow and blue. The adaptability of both eyes to hard light is better than before. Performance under the ophthalmoscope: Retinal neovascularization of both eyes has increased. The blood circulation in the retina has improved. The color of the retina is better than before and is presented as yellow. The pigmentation near the ambitus of the retina has been reduced noticeably.

Apichat email to us:


Dear, All
Past couple days my situation was slightly better.
Best regard
Apichat Peepatum


Present situation better than two month ago  alittle bit.
Should i have to control any nutrient.

Best Regards,
Apichat Pepathum


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