Morea Josephine- Retinitis Pigmentosa (USA) Post on December 16, 2011

The hope in the fight against Retinitis Pigmentosa 

Morea Josephine came to our hospital on a brilliant sunny day on October 19, 2011. The Elegant and beautiful girl came from the USA. She was presented with retinal pigment degeneration. Her father and sister had the same disease, but they were unable to find effective treatment. Morea developed problems with her eyes 36 years ago, and was diagnosed with retinal pigment degeneration at the local hospital. She went many times to the hospital for treatment, but she didn't receive any satisfying results and the symptoms progressed gradually. When Morea was admitted to our hospital she was unable to care for herself and when she described her situation she was noticeably depressed and we could see the hopelessness in her eyes. As medical professionals, this really motivated us to do what we could for her condition.
Retinal pigment degeneration is a serious eye condition which can cause the patient to go blind. According to the statistics from ophthalmological studies in the US, retinal pigment degeneration is the primary disease which causes blindness in patients between the ages of 20 and 40. According to rough statistics, there were about 1,500,000 patients who had retinal pigment degeneration worldwide. And the alarming figures are only increasing as time passes.

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) refers to a group of inherited diseases causing retinal degeneration. This is a rare genetic eye disease. Retinal pigment degeneration is called of cancer in the medical profession. An early symptom of retinal pigment degeneration is night blindness. This does not affect a person's ability to work. Generally, night blindness symptoms will appear in childhood. With the progression of the disease, the patient's vision decreases steadily, the visual field is restricted and the person will feel uncomfortable in dark settings. In the final stages of the disease there will be tunnel vision or even complete blindness.

At present, there are plenty of ophthalmologists conducting research. However, the research is at the experimental stage and there is currently no effective clinical treatment for retinitis pigmentosa. This is one of the biggest challenges for the field of ophthalmology.

Through a series of examinations, we gave the patient a clear diagnosis. She was presented with retinal pigment degeneration. At the same time, we gave the patient a detailed examination of her vision, visual field and color vision. She also received a fundoscopy. After discussing the case with the specialists, they gave the patient a detailed analysis. We assured Morea that stem cell treatment was her best option. We introduced the entire stem cell procedure to her in detail. After she understood the treatment and decided she wanted to undergo it, we administered a series of medications to improve the overall condition of her body. Morea received treatment to improve the blood circulation in order to increase the blood supply to the damaged nerves and nourishment for the neurons. Concurrently, she underwent the stem cell implantation procedure. After four weeks of treatment, Morea's condition had made a great deal of progress.

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We received a email from Morea's family memeber:

Hi lisa:

We feel the same about you. You always smiling and doing every thing for us. Morea says she sees better and better. Thanks God.

We will keep in touch with you....Todya is Thanks giving Day. Thanks Dr. Wu and Dr. Wang  and of course Dr. Liu.


Hi Dr. Liu

How are you? We miss you. You are very special in our life. My sister-in-law Morea is seeing better and better each day. She is very happy. Thank you agian.



Morea talked to us on the phone and said" I am very glad, do you know, I made Christmas dinner for more than 20 people. Before the treatment I wasn't able to see clearly, I was afraid to cook food because I thought I injure myself."

January 13, 2012

Dear Dr. Wu,

I just wanted to thank you and your facility, for giving my mom (Morea,Josephine) a whole new outlook on life. The stem cells you provided for her Retinitis has made a very big impact on her. My mom can actually see again - It's truly a MIRACLE!!!! She has not been this confident in many years, you have brought life back to her. Her whole persona has changed, her eyes are open again, she looks younger, she's happy, but most of all you have given her the confidence to continue living her life to the fullest.

Thank you to you and your facility and everyone that has participated.

Lucille Morea Stegner (Daughter)


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