Martha Marin - Macular degeneration (Peru) Post on September 6, 2011

Name: Martha Marin  
Sex: Female
Country: Peru
Age: 75
Diagnoses: Macular degeneration, hypertension level 2 - very high risk group, coronary atherosclerotic heart disease
Admission Date: 2011-07-16
Days Admitted to the Hospital: 31

Martha has had a progressive deterioration of her vision in both eyes for two and a half years, resulting in blurred vision. The visual field and color vision was normal. She went to the local hospital for treatment and macular degeneration was considered. At this time, Martha didn't receive specific treatment and the symptoms became progressively worse. The vision in the left eye noticeably deteriorated. She went to Germany for treatment but there was no significant improvement and her vision continued to deteriorate.
During the admissions physical examination, both of Martha's pupils were sensitive to both direct and indirect light stimuli. The color of the retina in the right eye was orange. The boundary of the optic nerve was clearly visible. The macula area was weakened. The retina in the left eye was pale. The optic nerve was low and flat. The arteriovenous ratio was 1:4. The standard visual chart test showed: the right eye had a visual acuity of 0.5 from a distance of 3 meters. The left eye had a visual acuity of 0.6 from a distance of 3 meters. Both eyeballs could move freely.

After proceeding with the complete examination, Martha was given treatment to improve the blood circulation in order to increase the blood supply to the damaged nerves. We also gave her neurotrophic treatment and stem cell therapy. This was combined with Chinese traditional massage for the face and the periorbital area of the eyes.

After the treatment was completed, Martha's vision in both eyes had improved. The test of the standard visual acuity chart from a distance of 3 meters showed: the visual acuity of the right eye was 0.8, the visual acuity of the left eye was 0.6. Martha could distinguish between color changes on the TV screen from a distance of 2 meters. The arteriovenous ratio was close to normal. The color of the retina in the left eye has improved noticeably. The color of the left eye's retina changed from pale to orange. The macula and optic nerve are clearly visible and there is some pigmentation along the perimeter.

Before being discharged from our medical center, Martha told the staff: "I am so lucky for receiving the treatment here. Before the treatment, I could not see any objects clearly, only their outlines. Things were very blurry when I watched TV or while I was driving. I went to the USA for treatment, but they were unable to do anything for me. I went to Germany for stem cell treatment, but there were no improvements. Wu Stem Cells Medical Center gave me a lot of help and I have made obvious progress. I want to thank all the doctors and nurses and I want to especially thank Lisa, who gave me a lot of help. Thanks you to all."

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"Dear Lisa,
I am almost equally well, i take all my medicines and massage of the face 3 times a day and as Dr. Wang told me I put my hands warm on my face and forehead.
I wait anxiously to get my vision recovered.

Love Martha"


Dear Dr. Wang,
How are you. Tommorrow we are going to Houston and Wisconsin, and i am going to visit my eye Dr and the optometrist there, and i will send you the results.

I like to tell you that my RI is a little better the blurry spot is reducing now i can read to a distance from 3 meters 1.0 and the LI is a very very little better, i see the letters deform.

I will appreciate your help, tell Dr Wu my thanks to him for all this incredible treatment thet he discovering, thanks for all the people that he help.

Love you,Martha.

Martha Marin email to us:
" Dear Lisa,
I just returned from my annual checkup in USA, I have some good news for Dr Wu ,my problem of arthritis is gone, and another problem I had was artereopatia carotid, 50 percent of my arteries abstruse, but after my exam Dr was very surprised that are now completely clean.
I also had my review with my eye Dr and my right eye has improved my vision from far away, now 20-25, the left has not improved much is almost the same.
I sent to you the report of my last exam and soon my eye exam .
I hope you and all my friends are okey ,I miss all of you and if I not improve in my vision I will go again.
Give my regards and many kisses, love Martha."



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