Bahman Safabakhsh-Retinitis Pigmentosa(Iran) Post on August 12, 2011
Name: Bahman Safabakhsh
Sex: Male
Country: Iran
Age: 48
Diagnosis: Retinitis Pigmentosa
Admission Date: 2011-06-13
Days Admitted to the Hospital: 28
Bahman Safabakhsh was presented with a progressive deterioration of his vision in both eyes for more than the past 40 years. He had blurred vision in the night. When he visited his doctor in the local hospital, he was put on multiple vitamins for treatment, but the effects were not obvious. He was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa when he was 10 years old. His vision declined gradually and the visual field was reduced gradually. The disease progressed at a rapid rate about 5 years ago causing even further deterioration of his vision. The visual response time is extended whenever there are changes in the amount of light. Bahman received acupuncture and moxibustion therapy twice for 20 days in China, but his condition had no improvement. He received hyperbaric oxygen therapy in Germany for 20 days, but there was still no improvement to his condition. One week later, he received treatment in Italy for 3 days, the specific type of treatment is not known, but still there was no improvement. His vision continued to decline gradually as well as the visual field. He received hyperbaric oxygen therapy (QOD) 3 months ago for 90 minutes each time. There was some improvement after the treatment, but then his vision declined whenever there was strong light stimulation. He was put on Depakine for 3 month. Before treatment, Bahman has the central visual field, but the peripheral vision has disappeared. Bahman looks therapy in all the world, and found Wu Stem Cells Medical Center in internet. After consult with our doctors, he decided to our medical center for treatment.
Before the start of the treatment plan, Bahman was alert and his speech was clear. His memory, orientation and calculation abilities were normal. The diameter of both pupils was 2.0mms, and both pupils were sensitive to both direct and indirect light stimuli. The central visual field of both eyes was existent, but it was characterized by tunnel vision. There was an absence of peripheral vision. The visual field of the upper side, lower side, nasal side and the temporal visual field has an angle of 10 degrees. The standard visual acuity chart: right eye 0.3, left eye 0.3. Both eyes could distinguish between red, black, and orange, but they were unable to distinguish between blue and purple. There was a visual response time delay when the amount of light changed. The eyesight was better in bright places indoors than in dark places indoors. The vision was poor with bright light outdoors and the vision was poor during the nighttime. The dark adaptation time was greatly extended. Both eyes can move freely and there was no obvious nystagmus.Through the use of an ophthalmoscope, the retinal vessels were found to be thin, the ateriovenous ratio was 1:3. The retina was a grayish blue color and there was pigmentation near the ambitus of the retina.
We gave Bahman a complete examination and he was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa. He received autologous stem cell therapy and had his blood circulation improved in order to increase the blood supply to the damaged nerves.
This was combined with daily physical rehabilitation treatment.
After the completion of the treatment, Bahman's binocular visual field was increased. The visual field of the upper side, lower side, nasal side and the temporal visual field now has an angle of 15-16 degrees. The adaptability of both eyes to light stimulation is better than before and the discomfort in both eyes to light stimulation has been alleviated. Performance under the ophthalmoscope: the retinal vessels are thicker than before. The blood circulation has improved. The arteriovenous ration is 1:3. The retina has a grayish blue color. The pigmentation near the ambitus of the retina has been reduced noticeably and the pigmentation is now yellow.
All the staffs in our medical center hope Bahman will get more progress in the future.