Abdullah Altheyabi-Optic atrophy (Saudi Arabia) Post on April 27, 2011

Name: Abdullah Altheyabi  
Sex: Male
Country: Saudi Arabia
Age: 17
Diagnoses: 1. Optic atrophy 2. Density osteogenesis imperfecta
Admission Date: 2011-03-21
Days Admitted to the Hospital: 32

Abdullah, when he was four years old started having a decline in his visual acuity and color vision in both eyes. He was received by the local hospital where the doctors discovered that there were abnormalities in the development of the skull, which led to increased intracranial pressure. This increased pressure compressed the optic nerve and caused optic atrophy. He received a craniotomy in 1996 to increase the intracranial volume, however the decrease in visual acuity still continued.

When Abdullah was first admitted to our hospital it was discovered that he was developmentally delayed. There was a visible bilateral temporal surgical scar. The tips of the fingers were swollen and were presented with acropachy. The nail of the big toe was upturned. There was a surgical scar on the outside of the left thigh. The soles of both feet were dried and cracked. The thorax was symmetrical; the respiratory sounds of both lungs were clear, with no dry or moist rales. The heart sounds were strong, the rhythm was regular, and there was no obvious murmur in the valve area. There was abdominal bulging and the abdomen was soft, with no masses felt. Through palpation, the liver and spleen were found to be normal.

During the examination of the nervous system, Abdullah was alert and his speech was clear. His orientation, calculation abilities and memory were normal. Both pupils were round and equal in size, the diameter was 3.0mm's, and both pupils were sensitive to light stimuli. Abdullah's vision was poor and the right eye had no perception of light. The left eye could see the outline of objects at a distance of 10cm's. He has color blindness in both eyes and any objects he sees appears as black.

Before the beginning of the treatment program, we gave Abdullah a complete examination and he was diagnosed with 1. Optic atrophy 2. Density osteogenesis imperfecta. He received nerve stem cell activation treatment. He also received treatment in order to expand the blood vessels and nourishment for the neurons. At the same time, he received daily physical rehabilitation training and Chinese massage therapy.

After the completion of the treatment plan, Abdullah's mental state had improved. His right eye now has perception of light and the left eye's perception of light has been enhanced. The improvement of his near sightedness is obvious. He can distinguish the letters Q, C, and W and Arabic numerals from a distance of 20cm's. Abdullah can now distinguish the outline of faces from a distance of 30cm's; the color sensation has improved, mainly being able to detect the colors red, green, blue, yellow, white and black. Abdullah now has better dark adaptation; he can see the way clearly once he was transferred from a strong light area outside to a dark area in his room.

Abdullah's father is satisfied with the treatment, he express gratitude: "thanks all the people in Wu Stem Cells Medical Center, and I hope Abdullah will make more progress in the futher."

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