Zulfiqar Ahmed - Retinitis pigmentosa (India) Post on December 6, 2010

Name: Zulfiqar Ahmed

Sex: Male

Country: India

Age: 44

Diagnosis: Retinitis pigmentosa

Admission Date: 2010-10-08

Days Admitted to the Hospital: 33

Zulfiqar was presented with a decline in his night vision for the past 30 years. The main symptom was blurred vision during the night time. He received treatment at a local hospital, but was not satisfied with the results. Zulfiqar's condition remained stable during the subsequent years with no real changes in his visual acuity. He decided to under go LASIK surgery at the local hospital 9 years ago, but was once again not satisfied with the results. About 5 years ago the vision started to gradually further decline. Things got progressively worse and eventually Zulfiqar's vision was permanently blurred. Whenever there was a change in the amount of light, the pupils were slow to respond and the field of vision continued to decline. He received surgery for his cataracts 2 years ago, but his vision still did not improve. Zulfiqar's central visual field is good, presently, but his peripheral vision is blurred.

After years of frustration and minimal results at his local hospitals, Zulfiqar decided to try a different approach. After researching stem cell treatment and what it could possibly do for his condition, he decided to try our medical center after finding out about how other patients have had noticeable improvements.

During the examination of the nervous system, Zulfiqar was alert and his speech was clear. His memory, orientation, calculation ability and comprehension were normal. The diameter of both pupils was 2.0mms, and both pupils were sensitive to both direct and indirect light stimuli. There was an existing of the central visual field in both eyes, with tunnel vision. He had limited peripheral vision. Zulfiqar's right eye could distinguish between large objects within a distance of 2 meters, but his vision became blurry at 3 meters, and at this distance had difficulty counting the number of objects. His right eye could distinguish colors within a distance of 3 meters. His left eye had blurred vision at 30cms, and could only distinguish between numbers at 30cms. The binocular vision was better in the daytime than during the night time. And visual acuity was better in dark places than light places during the daytime. The dark adaptation time was extended.

We gave Zulfiqar a complete examination and he was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa. He received stem cell activation treatment which included improving the blood circulation in order to increase the blood supply to the damaged nerves, and to nourish the neurons.

After the completion of the stem cell treatment, the vision in Zulfiqar's left eye improved, and he can now distinguish between the finger patterns, card patterns and colors within a distance of 2 meters. Zulfiqar can read the second line on the standard visual acuity chart and can sometimes read the third line. The right eye can distinguish objects further away than 3 meters. The standard visual acuity chart test is 0.4. The binocular visual field has improved. The temporal vision on the left side is now 15 degrees, and on the right side, 20 degrees. The pupils are more enlarged than before, the diameter is about 3mms, and are both sensitive to light stimulus. The color of the retina in both eyes is better than before. In both eyes, the chromatosis is now mainly in the temporal retina. In both eyes, the retinal blood vessels have been enlarged.

Zulfiqar's family doctor told us, "Zulfiqar got through the 35 days of treatment at your hospital very nicely. We are satisfied with Wu Stem Cells Medical Center. Your hospital has unique technology and comfortable lodging. Zulfiqar's vision had increased by 30% during the 35 days he was with you. We hope these improvements will continue in the future."


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