Mason Bigelow-Optic nerve hypoplasia(USA) Update on January 11, 2011

Name: Mason Bigelow 
Sex: Male
Country: USA
Age: 20 months
Diagnosis: optic nerve hypoplasia
Admission Date: 2010-10-20
Days Admitted to the Hospital: 35

Mason was found to have impaired vision in both eyes when he was 5 months old, he only could make out large objects from a distance of 15cms or closer. He was diagnosed with optic nerve hypoplasia at the local hospital in May, 2009. The optical examination showed that both eyes only had light perception. The examination in June, 2009 showed: GH 1.6ng/ml, growth factor 40ng/ml, this was lower than normal. Antidiuretic hormone 2.5pg/ml, this was higher than normal. The thyroid hormone, testosterone, cortisol and adrenocorticotrophic hormone levels were normal. The blood routine, blood lead, electrolytes and liver functioning were normal. The MRI examination revealed optic nerve hypoplasia in July, 2009. Retrobulbar nerve width: 1.5-1.7mm. There were no obvious abnormalities. Mason went to a pediatric hospital in June, 2010. At that time he could reach out and touch objects within a short distance, but was unable to follow the objects with his eyes. Both eyes had slow reflexes to light stimuli. There was esotropia and horizontal nystagmus with both eyeballs. Because of the severe optic nerve hypoplasia, esotropia and horizontal nystagmus, it was suggested to check "VER, PLT" to assess visual acuity.

Nervous System Examination:
Mason was alert and his speech was clear. He couldn't cooperate with the memory and orientation examinations. The diameter of both pupils was 3.0mm, with sensitivity to stimuli from both direct and indirect light. There was only slight perception in both eyes. Mason was able to perceive and touch large objects at a short distance (approximately 20cm). He couldn't cooperate with the examination using a chromoscopy. The Ophthalmoscope showed: severe aplasia of the optic nerve. Both eyeballs could move freely. Mason has esotropia, there was no obvious nystagmus.

We initially gave Mason a complete examination. The doctors thought he had aplasia of the optic nerve. He received treatment to expand the blood vessels and nourish the nerves.

Mason's height: 84cm, weight: 11kg. The binocular vision has improved. Both of his eyes are more expressive. Mason no longer avoids being embraced and doesn't avoid eye contact anymore. There is no longer any obvious esotropia or horizontal nystagmus. Mason can now see and touch objects between distances of 3cms and 20cms. Mason can excute simple commands and answer simple questions such as "what's your name"? Mason's memory is better than before, and he can remember new words. He has a better ability to communicate and has more interest and initiative.

Mason's parents are satisfied with the outcome of the treatment. Before the family left our hospital they wrote: "We thank all the staff at Wu Stem Cells Medical Center. You gave Mason a lot of care and you made him comfortable and happy during the treatment. The doctors were very professional and patient. They answered all of the questions we asked, and were very careful with Mason's treatment. We thank all the people who made it possible for us to bring Mason here for the stem cell treatment. The treatment was a success! We will miss all of you and we thank you for all you have done for our son."

Date: 2011-01-11

Mason's parents email to us:

"Hi, I was just emailing you to let you know about Mason Bigelow. We have noticed some improvement in home since we have been home. He seems to be able to identify what toys he playing, without having to touch them first to see what noise it makes. He also see's things that are laying on a table. Before he would feel around to find things and now he goes right to that item. Thank you all so much for what you did for Mason. Its truely amazing.

Allison Holmes"

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