Julia- Optic Neuritis (Poland) Post on September 30, 2009
Name: Julia Jarmusiewicz
Sex: Female
Age: 10
Country: Poland
Diagnosis: Optic Neuritis
Admission Date: 2009-08-26
Discharge Date: 2009-9-29
Days Admitted to Hospital: 34 days
Before Treatment:
Julia was presented with progressive blurred vision in the right eye for the past 4 years. She was diagnosed with optic atrophy by a local nerve specialist. At that time, her vision in the right eye only had light perception. The vision in the left eye was 1.0. MR showed: Sphenoiditis with no pathological change in the brain. Julia went to the ophthalmological research institute for therapy and was diagnosed with optic atrophy and optic neuritis. The doctors gave her anti-biotics and steroid hormones for treatment, then her vision improved and the vision in the right eye was restored to 0.1. The vision in her left eye began to worsen in August, 2006. Julia was diagnosed with optic neuritis by the local hospital. The vision in the left eye was 0.4, MR showed: Sphenoiditis. After the antibiotics and steroid hormone treatment, the vision in the left eye was restored to 0.8. Julia received trentalz therapy in September, 2006. The vision in the left eye was restored to 1.0 and the right eye had the ability to see objects up to 4 meters away. Her right eye had tremors in 2007. From 2007 to 2008, Julia's condition hadn't shown any obvious improvement. The vision in the left eye was 1.0, and the right eye could distinguish between different objects, but the vision's performance was uneven. Julia's vision in both eyes started to progressively get worse in April, 2009. The local doctors gave her anti-biotics and steroid hormones on a continuous basis, but there were no obvious positive results. The local ophthalmologist was unable to provide any effective treatments, so Julia's condition continued to become more serious and as a result, she lost her vision quickly.
Julia's mother found out Wu Stem Cells Medical Center from the internet, read about some similar medical cases, and became aware that the medical center has unique and specialized technology to treat optic neuritis. After Julia's mother contacted our representative office in Warsaw, Poland ( www.wustemcells.pl ), she was provided with professional advice from our medical team. She then made the decision to come to our medical center for treatment.
Admission PE: Both of Julia's eyes could move freely without any signs of nystagmus.The diameter of both pupils were 3.0 mm, with sensitivity to stimuli of both direct and indirect light. The vision in the left eye was 0.06, and the vision in the right eye only had light perception. She could perceive and count the number of fingers presented to her accurately, at a short distance (approximately 50cm). The chromatic vision in both eyes was poor, and she was only able to distinguish the color black.
Performance under the ophthalmoscope: The retina in the right eye was pale, papilla grisea in the border of the left eye was clear. The color was light yellow with soft white exudation.
Julia came to our hospital on August 26, 2009. Doctor Wu and Doctor Wang's medical team gave her autologous activation to expand the blood vessels, increase blood circulation to nourish the neurons, and stem cells transplantation treatment. Concurrently, we gave Julia rehabilitation training. This comprehensive therapy is known as stem cell engineering.
After Treatment:
Throughout the treatment period, Julia's mother kept close observation and kept records measuring Julia's improved vision: (see table)
Julia's vision in both eyes has improved remarkably. The eyeground in both eyes have greatly improved and is nearly normal. The retina is orange and the border of the papilla grisea is now clear. The proportion of the arteries to veins is 2:3; the petechia is being absorbed and is decreasing in size. The vision in the left eye has been restored to 0.25, the vision in the right eye is 0.10 - 0.12, color vision is better than before, she can now distinguish the color black accurately.
Julia and her mother were both very satisfied with the obvious improvement in her vision. When Julia came to our hospital, she couldn't see the floor clearly, so her mother always assisted her wherever she went. While going upstairs, Julia's mother had to direct her the whole way and the walking was very slow. Julia had a shy personality and often hid behind her mother, but at present, Julia's personality is more open. Julia can walk upstairs freely and she now enjoys going shopping with her mother. She often runs in the hallway of the medical center and communicates with the nurses happily. She can say: "thank you "and "sister, I love you," in Chinese.
Julia's mother said to our staff: "After Julia finished her 3rd stem cells injection, she made obvious progress, every 2 days her vision would reach a new level. Both of her eyes made continual progress. Before the treatment, I would have never believed that her right eye would also make progress. Thank God. I think it is a miracle. You know that her right eye was almost completely blind within the past few years. But now, her sight has been restored again. We know Julia will have a bright future. Thank you very much."
Everyone at Wu Stem Cells Medical Center hopes that Julia's vision will continue to make the remarkable progress we witnessed here and that her future will be bright.