Retinitis Pigmentosa (Saudi Arabia) Post on May 20, 2009

Sex: female    
Diagnosis: Retinitis Pigmentosa
Beginning of treatment: March 26th, 2009

The patient is a 41 years old female. Her binocular vision has been reduced for more then 20 years by retinitis pigmentosa, a genetic eye dystrophy.
Medical history: 27 years ago the patient's vision began to decline, her nightvision got worse, and she experienced flake-based black spots in her eyes. The diagnostic in a local hospital was not clear, and after a few stable years without any significant changes in her visual acuity she visited a hospital in the USA in 1991, and was there diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa.  She used various treatments and remedies, including oral Vitamin A and B, complex Vitamins and Cod Liver Oil, in order to stop her condition from deteriorating and halt the gradual decline in vision, but unfortunately without any effect.
Before the Treatment:
Just before she visited us for treatment, her vision-center has been absent of vision, and her peripheral vision, was very blurred. She could not accurately identify any larger objects or tell a number of fingers shown to her. Her color vision was greatly impaired, resulting in her not being able to differentiate between many colours.

After the Treatment:
The patients binocular visual acuity improved, retinal color slightly improved, especially in the left eye. Central vision returned, and allowed her to distinguish better between different object shapes and sizes. Her central vision field is still blurry but her peripheral vision is better, allowing her to count fingers shown to her and accurately point to objects shown to her. Her color-vision improved greatly allowing her to distinguish between red, blue and yellow colors.



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