Noor - limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (Oman) Post on August 16, 2010
Name: Noor
Sex: Female
Diagnosis: 1. limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, 2.normocyticnormochromicanemia
Admission Date: 2010-06-10
Days Admitted to the Hospital: 33
When Noor was 6 months old, she was involved in a traffic accident, and suffered a fracture to the right lower limb. She was fitted with a cast at the local hospital and after her treatment walked on the tips of her toes on her right foot. Then she gradually began walking on the tips of the toes on both feet. She got myasthenia of the limbs 20 years ago. Noor received an Achilles tendon transplantation 14 years ago in the United States, and also received another Achilles tendon transplantation 13 years ago in Oman. These operations didn't result in much improvement, though. About 12 years after receiving an EMG in Oman, it was discovered that Noor did not have inflammatory myopathy. The same year, she received a muscle biopsy which excluded the possibility of DMD or BMD. Eight years ago, while in India, Noor received a DNA examination which excluded the possibility of DMD, BMD, facioscapulohumeral and other types of muscular dystrophy, etc. Six years ago, she received a correlation detection examination in the United States and was diagnosed with limb-girdle muscular dystrophy. She received a molecular genetics examination in Germany 2 years ago, and was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy and anorexia nervosa. She received an EMG examination during the same year and it was discovered that she had a myopathic lesion; limb-girdle muscular dystrophy was considered. Noor was presented with myasthenia of the limbs and as a result, needed someone to assist her with certain exercises like doing squats. There was contracture of the elbow joints, wrist joints, knee joints and ankle joints, with the elbow joints being the most serious. The disease progressed slowly with no other associated symptoms.
Eventually, after these various attempts at treating her symptoms failed, Noor and her family made the decision to come to our medical center to see if anything could be done for her.
During the examination of the nervous system, Noor was alert and in good spirits. Her speech was clear. Her memory, calculation abilities and orientation were normal. Both pupils were equal in size, the diameter was 3.0mm. The pupils reacted normally to light stimulus. She had flexible eye movements and strong eye closing ability. The forehead wrinkle pattern was symmetrical. The bilateral nasolabial sulcus was equal in depth. The tongue was centered in the oral cavity and the teeth were shown without deflection. The cheek muscles were strong, with no air leakage when the cheeks were expanded. The soft palate was strong. The muscle strength of both upper limbs was level 4-. The muscle strength of both lower limbs was level 3. The muscle tone of all four limbs was almost normal. The bilateral triceps reflex and radial periosteal reflex was decreased, the biceps reflexes were not elicited. The tendon reflexes of both lower limbs were not elicited. The abdominal reflexes were normal. The bilateral palmomental reflex was negative. The bilateral Hoffmman's sign, Rossilimo's sign and Babinski's sign was negative. The sensation and fine sensation throughout the body was normal. Noor was able to successfully complete the finger-to-nose test and the rapid rotation test. But she couldn't complete the Heel-knee-shin test. There were no signs of meningeal irritation.
We initially gave Noor a complete examination and she was diagnosed with congenital muscular dystrophy, normocyticnormochromicanemia.
Then we administered the stem cells activation and trophic nerve treatment to repair the damage to the neurons. Noor received treatment to improve the blood circulation in order to increase the blood supply to the damaged neurons and to provide nourishment for the neurons. The treatment included (4 stem cell injections into the lumbar vertebra, two injections into the biceps brachii, and two injections into the gastrocnemius). Noor was also given daily physical rehabilitation training and Chinese traditional medicine to promote the recovery of her motor functioning.
Currently, Noor's condition has shown good improvement.
The strength of the proximal and distal upper limbs has improved, the muscular atrophy of the shoulder girdle and pelvic girdle are not as severe as before. Noor's upper limbs can stretch out further than before. When Noor walks, she doesn't stand on the tips of her toes as much as before. Occasionally Noor is able to place the bottom of both feet on the floor. The muscle strength of the upper limbs is now level 4+. The muscle strength of the lower limbs is now level 3+.The bilateral biceps reflex can now be elicited.
Post-Second Treatment:
6 months later, Noor came to our hospital for the second treatment.
Noor's condition has shown good improvement. The muscle strength of both upper limbs' near-end and both lower limbs' far-end are increased. The muscle atrophy of musclesofshouldergirdle and pelvic girdle are alleviated. When she try her best to stretch her upper limbs, the far-end angle is increased. The bilateral winged shoulder are alleviated. The Gower sign is better than before, the on tiptoe walking is alleviated. Both feet can touch the floor, the waddling gait is alleviated. Noor was satisfied with the first treatment, after she rest 6 months in her home, she came back for the second treatment at the beginning of 2011. She was received by Wu Stem Cells Medical Center and received appropriate treatment.
After the second treatment, her condition shows good improvement again. The pain in the right wrist, right lower quadriceps femoris and Achilles tendon has disappeared. She can walk for up to one hour. The heavy sensation in the hips when she stands and starts walking has disappeared. She can now walk more easily. The muscle volume of the biceps brachii, triceps brachii, deltoid, quadriceps femoris and the muscles of the shoulder girdle has increased.
Noor are satisfied with the second treatment effect. She express thanks in English and Arabic: "Thanks all the staffs in Wu Stem Cells Medical Center, include doctors, therapists, nurses and other people. This time is the second treatment in Wu Stem Cells Medical Center, I am glad that I have so many progress, thanks you very musch."