Anna - fibromyalgia syndromeFS (New Zealand) Posted on July 5, 2011

Name: Anna
Sex: Female
Country: New Zealand
Age: 40
Admission Date: 2010-09-09
Diagnoses: fibromyalgia syndromeFS, depression, hypertension level 2 high risk, hyperlipidaemia (HLP), HHCY �C hyperhomocysteinemia, fatty liver
Days Admitted to the Hospital: 34

Anna's earliest symptoms included symmetrical pain in her shoulders and upper back without obvious causes 24 years ago. She took analgesics to control the pain. The pain gradually spread to the far ends of both arms and legs. At this time, she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia syndrome. The pain was gradually aggravated and became more widespread involving the occipital lobe, neck, shoulders, back, buttocks, thighs, knees, calf muscles, ankles and feet. There was sharp pain and tingling in the ligaments and tendons. To control the pain, she continuously took strong pain medication. Two weeks ago the left knee joint and right shoulder joint became very painful and was inflamed with the slightest touch.

When Anna was first admitted to our hospital she had a low level of energy, osteoarthritis in the neck and waist, spinal joint stiffness, Achilles tendonitis, depression, gastro esophageal reflux disease, insulin resistance, retina fibrosis, sinusitis, insomnia, chronic gingivitis and tinnitus. The duration of the above mentioned conditions was not known. Anna also had involuntary muscle movements throughout the body for the past 12 years. She did not take any medications for this condition. Anna has had hypertension for the past 2 years and took Norvasc to control the blood pressure. She has had hypercholesterolemia for the past 3 years. Anna's mother had similar pain, but the course of the disease was shorter and the pain was not as severe.

During the nervous system examination, Anna's muscle strength in the arms and legs were found to be at level 5 and the muscle tone was normal. There was pain in the occipital lobe, neck, shoulders, back, buttocks, thighs, knees, calf muscles, ankles and feet. There was acute pain in the tendons and ligaments. There were involuntary muscle spasms in the face and waist. The tendon reflexes of both upper limbs were elicited. The patellar tendon reflex on the left side was hyper- reflexive. The patellar tendon reflex on the right side was weakened. There was sharp pain in both Achilles' tendons. The Achilles' tendon reflex was not elicited.

We gave Anna a complete examination. We gave her treatment to improve the blood circulation in order to increase the blood supply to the damaged nerves, to nourish the neurons and promote repair. She was also given stem cells activation treatment. This was accompanied by daily physical rehabilitation training.

Anna is currently in a good mental state. The overall quality of her sleep has improved. The involuntary muscle spasms in the face and waist have been alleviated. The pain in the muscles, tendons and ligaments has been alleviated.

The electrolytes, liver functioning and HCY levels have been restored to normal.



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