Victor-Moyamoya Disease( Brazil) Updat on November 2, 2010
Name:Victor Bernardo Cardillo
Sex: Male
Country: Brazil
Age: 13
Diagnosis: Moyamoya Disease
Victor Bernardo Cardillo, a 13 years old boy, suffers from Moyamoya Disease for over 4 years, impeding his left-side movement with adverse physical restrictions for the last two years. He submitted himself into our care and under our treatment he experienced some great improvements in his condition.
Before the Treatment
Starting in 2005, Victor would experience regular headaches. At that point he could control them with oral medications. On a number of occasions he visited pediatricians and ophthalmologists, who unfortunately could not provide a proper diagnosis for him. Later on, his aches became more severe. On Feb. 7th 2007 Victor was experiencing severe headaches during class, even though he fought these aches with strong pain medication. Later on this day he passed out during his geometry class. From that day on he felt often very sleepy. During the next two months he did a series of tests and examinations, but without any success. On April 5th a cerebral angiography was performed, confirming the suspected diagnosis of Moyamoya disease. During the course of Moyamoya Victor was suffering from seizures, which he controlled with anti-epileptic medicine. He also experienced extreme weakness in his left side, because of which he wasn't able to walk properly or to lift his arm over shoulder height.
After the Treatment
Our treatment was very successful with Victor. Our treatment managed to increase the strength of his left side, leg and arm in particular, significantly. He now manages to lift his arm above his head. He also has better balance due to returned strength in his leg. His overall circulation was greatly improved which provides him with more energy and also reduced the occurrence of headaches and acute weakness which otherwise might have led to passing out again. The chances of new seizures have been significantly reduced as well.
Victor's family email to us:
Victor is great, the doctors are happy with the recovery of Victor.
It's been 9 months that he made stem cells, At present, he does physical therapy and occupational therapy every day.
Victor's mother email to us:
"Dear Susan!
We are all happy, parents, family, friends, doctors in general.
Dear Susan, Victor underwent a medical screening consists of 8 expert on date 12/03/2010, and the result was great.
Everyone was Charmed with the recovery of Victor, his vocabulary, his reading, his physical and cognitive performance.
All felt he has many great quality of life for him.
Victor is already riding on the street, this school and their grades so far are very lively.
I ask for Rodolfo (brother of Victor) send via E-mail photos of him in school and on the bike.
I muitop to God and to you who lit the new life of VICTOR.
I ask God to enlighten them every day, for you can bring light to all who need
A big hug to Dr. Liu, to Dr Wu for you millions of kisses.
Kisses from a mother who loves them".
"Dear Susan.
I have great news of Victor.
Victor was invited to train for Table tennis Olympics 2016, here in Brazil.
We are delighted by the quality of life that Victor has, it's wonderful to see their performance at school, with friends and now he is a Brazilian athlete.
The quality of life of our son is an incalculable treasure, and all this we must thank God and you who gave us another horizon for family relatives and friends.
Send kisses to Dr. Liu, Dr. Wu to everyone who contributed to the recovery of our son Victor, with you our life is wonderful.
Love to all
A mother's love ".
Victor attended the Olympic games and took a photograph. He emailed the photo to us:
"Dear Susan!
Look at Victor Bernardo Cardillo that beautiful!
He attended the Paralympics Students from all Brazilian state, had 132 parcipipantes and he got third place bronze medal.
I'm very happy, and I need to share with you my happiness, for you are all part of our happiness, thank you from unistencells Clinic, our son could attend this event with Brazilian joy and physical and mental evolution.
Grateful to the entire team enfermagens to you, Dr Wu and Dr Liu, kisses inside their wonderful hearts.
Terezinha, mother eternally grateful!"
"Dear Susan!
I must thank all hospital staff who guided us and provided a new life for Victor Bernardo Cardillo, who atravez photo we can see great improvements and smile Across the medals and the satisfaction of a life full of joy and fun, always fought hard for quality of life of Victor and continue.
See his smile and compare 18 months ago, the smile is a happy teenager, although there were marks of severe stroke, is perfect today, his grades at school are great, his performance as Brazilian athlete is great, everything in the life of Victor received after the stem cells in unistemcells changed for much better, does the only Victor but also for all the family and friends.
That God bless you all, that other people and children can improve the quality of life in the same way that helped us improve our Victor.
With great affection, respect and gradidão.
"Dear friends.
I need to share this joy with you.
Victor played today and had another silver medal.
Hugs to all
Terezinha "