Mr. Wang - Stoke(China) Posted on September 29, 2010

Name: Mr. Wang
Sex: Male
Country: China
Age: 60
Diagnoses: Recovery period of cerebral infarction, hypertension level 3 very high risk, Type 2 Diabetes, diabetes mellitus ocular fundus disease, hypothyroidism
Admission Date: 2010-04-08
Days Admitted to the Hospital: 165

Mr. Wang, while on a business trip, suddenly lost movement in his right limbs. Two days later, he returned home and was admitted to a local hospital for treatment of this condition. He had a CT examination of his head done and it showed that he had a cerebral infarction. That following night he became paralyzed on the right side of his body. The cerebral infarction had progressed. Mr. Wang returned to the hospital and this time stayed for 20 days. During his treatment the strength in the right limbs gradually started to come back. At this time he was able to walk, but his overall strength was still weak and his posture was not good. He then underwent traditional Chinese medicine treatment and received acupuncture and physical rehabilitation.

Before Mr. Wang made the decision to come to our medical center for treatment, his symptoms included weakness of the limbs and paralysis of the right side of the body and face.

When Mr. Wang was first admitted to our hospital he was alert, and in good spirits. His speech was basically fluent and his memory, calculation abilities and orientation were normal. Both corneas had arcus senilis, and the eyesight in the left eye was poor. The visual acuity of the right eye was 1.2. The teeth were shifted to the left side. The tongue was shifted to the right side, but the uvula was centered. The right naso-labial groove and the right side of the mouth drooped slightly.

The shrugging strength of the right shoulder was weak; the muscle strength of the left limbs was level 5. The muscle strength of the right upper limb's proximal end was levels 2-3, the muscle strength of the distal end was level 3. The adduction strength was stronger than the abduction strength. The muscle strength of the right lower limb's distal end was level 4; the proximal end was level 4-. Mr. Wang had difficulty with bending the wrist of his right arm. The muscle tone of all four limbs was normal. The tendon reflexes of all four limbs were normal. The Hoffmann's sign on the left side was negative, the right side was positive. The Rossolimo's sign on the left side was negative, the right side was positive. The Babinski's sign on the left side was negative and the right side was positive. Mr. Wang had diminished sensitivity to pain on the left side of his face and the right side of his body.

Despite his condition, Mr. Wang was in good spirits when he first arrived at our hospital on April 8, 2010. His diet and sleeping habits were good as well.

Mr. Wang received both the self stem cells activation and stem cell implantation treatment to repair the damage to the neurons. He also received treatment to improve his blood circulation in order to increase the blood supply to the damaged neurons and to nourish them. This was combined with daily physical rehabilitation training.

After the completion of the treatment, Mr. Wang's overall condition improved gradually, his BP was 110-120/70-80mmHg, the blood parameters of the thyroid function was within normal range. The eyesight in his left eye has improved and the facial paralysis on the left side is gone. The tongue is now centered. The bilateral naso-labial groove is basically symmetrical while in a resting state. The corners of the mouth shift to the left side slightly when he smiles or laughs.

The muscle strength of the right limbs is now close to level 5, the movement of the right upper limb is not nearly as restricted as before. One of the fingers on his right hand can bend and grasp things almost normally. He can stretch the fingers, but has difficulty with fully extending them. He has a mild hemiplegic gait when he walks. The flexion of hip joint isn't alleviated obviously, the strength of the ankle joint dorsiflexion is weak. The superficial sensation in the right side of the face and the right limbs has been restored to normal.

Mr. Wang is very satisfied with the outcome of the treatment. His skin looks better and he is able to think positively about things. The color of his hair has gotten darker and his wife said that he looks younger than before and that she looks older than him now.


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