Des Walker-Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis( English) Posted on April 28, 2010

Name: Des Walker
Sex: Male
Country: English
Age: 51
Diagnosis: ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)
Admission Date: 2010-03-11
Days Admitted to the Hospital: 39

Des is a middle aged male. The onset of his disease was initially unnoticed 3 years ago, but soon the symptoms progressed. He had difficulty with using his fingers to grasp things, and then the strength in his right wrist, right forearm and right upper arm decreased. This was accompanied with muscle atrophy, and then he developed weakness in his left upper arm which was also accompanied with muscle atrophy. He started experiencing weakness in both legs two and a half years ago. Deswas still able to take care of himself. His speech was normal as was his ability to swallow. He received the relevant examinations at that time and was diagnosed with ALS, and then the weakness continued to progress gradually. He took riluzole and various vitamins starting about one and a half years ago. He developed speech problems about one year ago. Des's symptoms significantly increased about five months ago. He was unable to raise either arm and as a result, was unable to care for himself. He was able to walk with some assistance. He had difficulty with breathing, swallowing and communicating. He spoke very slowly. Deshad difficulty changing positions and when he did he felt slightly dizzy.

Since the onset of his ALS, Des has suffered from depression. His sleep patterns were normal as well as his diet. He had normal bowel movements and normal urination. Des' weight had decreased by 10-15 Kg. It took him one hour to eat breakfast and one and a half hours to eat lunch. He would often cough when trying to drink water and had difficulty with breathing. He had dysarthria, as well as serious muscle atrophy.

Des' family members searched for possible worldwide effective treatment options for his ALS, but were not successful. They eventually found out about Wu Stem Cells Medical Center on the internet, and learned about how our treatment was helping patients suffering from ALS. After consulting with our doctors, they made the decision to bring Desto our hospital for treatment.

Admission PE:
Bp: 137/90mmHg; Hr: 99/min, temperature 36.6 deg, weight: 75kg, Height: 180cm. Des' nutrition was poor. The respiratory sounds in both lungs were low, with no obvious dry or moist rales. The tongue was centered in the oral cavity; the teeth were shown without deflection. There was atrophy in the lingualis muscle. Air would escape when the cheeks were expanded. When the bilateral soft palate was raised, the left side was weak. There was severe muscular atrophy in several parts of the body. The muscle strength of the upper left limb was level 2; the muscle strength of the proximal upper right limb was level 3 and the muscle strength of the distal upper right limb was also level 3. It took great effort to extend the wrists. The grasping strength of both hands was level 1; the right hand was more serious. The muscle strength of both lower limbs was about level 3. Both of his arches were collapsed. The muscle tone of all four limbs was slightly low. The tendon reflexes of both upper limbs were not induced; the patellar tendon reflexes of both lower limbs were exaggerated. The Achilles tendon reflex was positive, the left abdominal reflex was not elicited, but the right abdominal reflex was elicited. The bilateral sucking reflex, jaw reflex and palmomental reflex was positive. Des could not successfully perform the finger-to-nose test, the rapid rotation test, the digital opposition test or the heel-knee-shin test.

We initially gave Des a complete examination. Then we administered the stem cells activation treatment to repair the damage to the neurons. He received treatment to improve his blood circulation in order to increase the blood supply to the damaged neurons, to nourish the neurons, and promote the neural repair. Deswas also given daily physical rehabilitation training to promote the recovery of his motor functioning.

Des' respiration rate has increased. He can now breathe easier while lying on his back. He can expand his cheeks without any air leakage. He can raise the bilateral soft palate, with the left side being almost as strong as the right side. His swallowing ability is better than before. He now spends only 20 minutes eating breakfast and 1 hour eating lunch or dinner. The little finger, ring finger and middle finger of the left hand has muscle strength of level 4. The thumb on the right hand can adduct better than before. The muscle strength of both lower limbs is about level 4-. The muscle tone of all four limbs is almost normal. The tendon reflexes of both upper limbs were not elicited, the patellar tendon reflex and Achilles tendon reflex are positive. Des can now finish the heel-knee-shin test.

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