Peter - MND (Italy) Update on September 19, 2012

Name: Peter                           
Sex: Male
Country: Italy
Age: 73
Diagnoses: 1. Motor neuron disease (MND) 2. Renal insufficiency
3. Hypertension level 2 (Very high risk)
Admission Date: 2011-09-25
Days Admitted to Hospital: 31 days

Peter suffers from progressive dysphasia. He went to a local hospital, but didn't receive a clear diagnosis. With the progression of the disease, swallowing became difficult. Soon after, Puggelli went to Massachusetts General Hospital and was diagnosed with MND. In 2011, he had severe anemia and discontinued taking Riluzole. Look for effective treatment, he came to Wu Stem Cells Medical Center.

Admission PE: Bp: 164/96mmHg; Hr: 66/min. Temperature: 36.2 degree. Puggelli had normal development and normal nutrition. There was ecchymosis on the inside of the left upper limb, the diameter of the ecchymosis was about 4cms*5cms. There was ecchymosis on the inside of the left arm which was about 4cms by 5cms in size.

During the nervous system examination, Peter was alert. He had barylalia and could only speak simple words. The intonation was low. His responses were delayed. His orientation, memory and calculation abilities were normal. The right eye's aggregation was poor. The left nasolabial groove was shallow. The teeth were averted to the right side. The muscle strength of the soft palate was weak. The pharyngeal reflex was diminished. There was obvious muscle atrophy in the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, big and small thenar muscles of both hands, and the interosseus muscles. The muscle strength of all four limbs was level 5, the muscle tone of all four limbs was almost normal. The tendon reflexes of all four limbs were active, and the left side was more active. The bilateral abdominal reflexes were not elicited. The bilateral Hoffmann's sign and Rossolimo's sign were negative. The bilateral Babinski's sign was negative. Puggelli had less ability with the finger-to-nose test, rapid rotation test, digit opposition test and heel-knee-shin test.

Peter was given treatment in order to expand the blood vessels, had his blood pressure brought under control and was given nourishment for the neurons in order to promote the neural repair. He also received treatment to enhance the body's resistance. At the same time, he was put on a non-invasive ventilator. This was combined with neurological rehabilitation training.

After the completion of the stem cell treatment, Peter's condition had improved. The blood pressure reading was about 130/80mmHg. The kidney functioning has been restored to normal. The ecchymosis on the left arm has healed. The coughing while swallowing has been reduced. The amount of time required to eat has decreased. Puggelli can express more words and sentences. The ventilation of the right nasal cavity is poor, and is accompanied with thin nasal discharge. After the consultation with the E.N.T. department, he was diagnosed with rhinitis. He then received relevant medication for treatment. Afterward his condition had shown some improvement.

Peter told us that before the treatment, "I was seeking effective possible treatment options on the internet every day, until I found your medical center. There were many people around me who didn't understand stem cell therapy or believed that it would work. They advised me to not go to China for treatment. After the doctors at your medical center consulted with me and gave me detailed information, I decided to take a chance and go to your medical center for the stem cell treatment."

Peter is a director of an Italian opera company. The disease affected his throat and he couldn't work for the opera. After the treatment, things improved enough so that he will be able to perform a new opera next year. This understandably has made him very happy and optimistic.

After the completion of the one month treatment Peter can speak in complete sentences. But sometimes his words are ambiguous. But when he is in a good mood, his words are very clear. His swallowing ability has improved too. He can sit up and stand up by himself. The movements in the left side of the face are normal. When he sleeps, the left eye can completely close. He is able to smile again. Before the treatment, he had difficulty with reading, now he is able to read again.

Before he left our medical center, Peter gestured and pronounced the numbers one through ten, in Chinese. Peter told us that he was very happy with his stay at our medical center and that before coming here he read many articles about China, especially about Beijing Opera. But since he didn't get the chance to see any Beijing Opera performances while he was here for treatment, he hopes to be able to return to Beijing someday and attend one.

"We want to thank the entire staff at Wu Stem Cells Medical Center. The medical care was very good and I was able to get the treatment and results I needed which I was not able to get in Europe."

After discharge, Peter email to us:

"Dear Terri,
The general conditions are good and he is reading agian, which is very important.

Thanks for your help

Your Peter"

"Dear Terri,
First of all good news: Peter 1) does not choke any more during eating; 2) Tremble less in the hands and les; 3) Writes again; 4) starts reading again (even if with some difficulties)

Even the cough is much better.

Lot of love to all of you



"Dear Terri,
Peter's general conditions are good. He has a new speech therapist, and his voice is now stronger.

Thanks and lot of love




"Dear Dr. Terri,

Peter is getting better and better. He is again present and helpful. He is a little bit lazy in doing speech therapy and fisiotherapy. Nobody is so good like Lili and the therapist he had in your clinic. he is doing better.

Thank you for all your help



The second treatment:
Admission Date:
Days Admitted to Hospital: 18

Before treatment:
The patient suffered from a cough with swallowing, breathing difficulty and slow response in September 2011. This was accompanied with amyotrophy in pectoral girdle, big and small thenar muscles of both hands and interosseus muscle. He also had muscle tremors in both hands. So he went to our hospital and received treatment. The patient��s condition has shown obvious improvement after treatment. The patient suffered from a speech slur in April 2012. His speech could not almost be understood. The balance ability was slowed down and he was liable to fall down. The patient suffered from a high fever and cough in July 2012. After antibiotics treatment, the high fever disappeared. But he coughed discontinuously. The slow response was more obvious in recent months. He has less facial expression and stares blankly.

Admission PE:
Bp: 130/85mmHg; Hr: 68/min. Temperature: 36.0 degree. Peter had normal development and normal nutrition. The body type was normal. The skin and mucosa were intact, with obvious pigmentation.  The respiration of both lungs was clear, with no dry or moist rales. Through auscultation, it was determined that the cardiac rhythm was regular. There was no murmur in the valve auscultation area. The abdomen was distended. There was no pressing pain or rebound tenderness. The liver and spleen were not palpable under the ribs. There was no swelling in the lower limbs.

Nervous System Examination:
Peter was alert and in good spirits. His facial expression was limited. He had barylalia and the responses were slow. His orientation, memory and calculation abilities were poor. Both pupils were equal in size and round, the diameter was about 2.5mms. Both pupils were sensitive to light stimuli. The movement of both eyeballs was limited. The vision when looking downwards was especially severe. The forehead wrinkle pattern was symmetrical. The left eye had poor closing ability. The left nasolabial groove was shallow. The tongue was centered in the oral cavity and the tongue could move flexibly. There was no atrophy in the tongue. The teeth were shifted to the right side. The muscle strength of the soft palates was weak and the right side was more obvious. The pharyngeal reflex was weakened. There was an obvious cough with the swallow. There was obvious muscle atrophy in the shoulder girdle, big and small thenar muscles of both hands, and the interosseus muscles. There were tremors when both hands had movement and the right hand was more severe. The static tremor was alleviated. The muscle strength of all four limbs was at level 5-, the muscle tone of all four limbs was almost normal. The tendon reflexes of the left limbs were active and the tendon reflexes of the right limbs were normal. The bilateral abdominal reflexes were not elicited. Left palm jaw reflex was positive and right palm jaw reflex was negative. Left Hoffmann's sign was positive and right Hoffmann's sign was negative. Bilateral Babinski sign was negative. The bilateral deep sensation, shallow sensation, and composite cortex sensation were normal. The patient was able to do the finger-to-nose test, but in an unstable manner. Left rapid rotation test was clumsy. He did the heel-knee-shin test in a slightly poor fashion. There were no signs of meningeal irritation.

The patient received all of the relevant examinations. He was diagnosed with 1.  MND 2. Renal insufficiency 3. Hypertension level 2 (Very high risk) 4. Hypertrophy of the prostate gland. He was given treatment in order to expand the blood vessels, control the blood pressure and nourishment for the neurons to promote the neural repair. He, also, received treatment to protect the kidneys and prostate gland. This was combined with neurological rehabilitation training.

Peter's condition has improved. Doctor adjust the  the parameter of the ventilator. The blood pressure is between 110-120/70-80mmHg. The patient's nervous system activity has improved. The patient's mental status is good. He has stronger responses. The left eye has a stronger closing ability. The left nasolabial groove is slightly shallow. The corners of the mouth are almost symmetrical when he smiles. He can open his mouth wider than before. He has stronger muscle to raise bilateral soft palates. The swallowing ability is stronger than before. There is no cough when he is eating fish, duck and other foods. There is a little cough when he drinks.


Dear Dr. Terri,

Peter has succeeded in a new Opera Production, "Andrea Chenier", first night on the 15th Januar at Teatro Regio Turin.
He is very happy at the moment and both of us are very grateful to Dr. Wu and all of you to have make it possible.
Here some pictures of the opera. When we come next time we will take the DVD for you.

Best regards


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