Yun Sook-kong - Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Korea) Posted on August 19,2013

Name: Yun Sook-kong
Sex: Male
Country: Korea
Age: 49 years
Diagnoses: 1.Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 2. Hypertension 3 levels, very high risk 3. Type 2 diabetes 4. fatty liver (moderate) 5. Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) with vesical calculus
Admission Date: 2013-07-17
Days Admitted to the Hospital: 28

Before treatment:
Yun Sook-kong has had a weakness in his left upper limb and muscle atrophy in metacarpophalangeal for five months without an obvious cause. About one month later, the patient went to a local hospital for treatment. He received a relevant examination, but did not receive a clear diagnosis. He also did not receive any special therapy. The disease progressed gradually and the atrophy in muscle was aggravated. About one month ago, the weakness progressed to his whole arm and left hand and there was muscle atrophy in his left shoulder. There was also a weakness in his right hand. Thus the patient went to local hospital for further examination on June 28, 2013. The patient received an EMG and MRI of brachial plexus and he was diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. He returned to the local hospital and took Riluzole qd.

Nervous System Examination:
Yun Sook-kong was alert and he was in a good mood. His memory, calculation abilities and orientation were all normal. Both pupils were equal in size, the diameter was 3mms. Both eyeballs could move flexibly and the pupils reacted normally to light stimulus. The convergence ability of both eyes was poor. The forehead wrinkle pattern was symmetrical. He was able to close his eyes with ease. The bilateral nasolabial sulcus was equal in depth. There was no deflection when he showed his teeth. There was no atrophy in his tongue. The tongue could move freely to each side. The tongue was in the center of his oral cavity when he showed his tongue. He had the strength to raise his soft palate. His uvula was centered and his neck was soft. He had the strength to turn his head and shrug his shoulders. The muscle strength of his left upper limb was level 4, and his ability to grasp objects with his left hand was level 4. The muscle strength of his left forefinger and ring finger was level 3. His ability to grasp objects with his left hand was level 4. The muscle strength of his right upper limb was level 5-, the ability to grasp objects with his right hand was level 4. The muscle strength of both of his lower limbs was level 5. The muscle tone of all four limbs was almost normal. The tendon reflex of all four limbs was low. There was facsiculation in the muscle group of his left upper limb. There was moderate atrophy in the bilateral metacarpophalangeal muscle, the muscles on the inside of the farthest end of the left upper limb and the muscles on the outside of the left shoulder. The muscle volume of the outside of the farthest end of the right upper limb and the gastrocnemius muscle of both lower limbs was poor. The abdominal reflex was not elicited. Bilateral palm jaw reflex was negative. The sucking reflex was positive. The Hoffmann sign was negative. Bilateral Babinski sign was positive. The deep sensation and shallow sensation results, using loose measures, were normal. He was able to finish the finger-to-nose-test, digit opposition test and rapid rotation test, all in a stable manner. He was able to finish the heel-knee-shin test. There were no signs of meningeal irritation.

The Wu Stem Cells Medical Center initially gave Yun Sook-kong a complete examination, and he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. He received treatment to improve his blood circulation in order to increase the blood supply to the damaged neurons, to activate the stem cells in his body and to repair the damage to the neurons and nourish them. He also received treatment to control his blood sugar and protect the function of his visceral organ. This was accompanied by daily physical rehabilitation training.

Post treatment:
The patient's condition has not been aggravated. The muscle strength of his left hand has improved significantly. His ability to grasp objects with his left hand has reached level 5-. The muscle strength of his left upper limb has almost been restored to level 5. The muscle volume of the thenar eminence and left scapula of both hands has increased. The pathology of both lower limbs has changed from positive to negative. The abdominal reflex is positive. It was revealed that the patient has been suffering from high blood glucose since admission and has been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. The patient took medication orally to reduce his blood sugar level. He also has been asked to be on a strict diet. At present, his blood sugar is under control. The average level of fasting blood glucose is about 5.0mmol/l. The level of blood sugar 2 hours after his meals is 6-8mmol/l.


Hi long time no see.

I send you the test result of My father, Yoon suk kyoung (the ALS patient-Korea)and I have some questions.

1. The korean local doctor said to him, he had no problem so he doesn't need to take medicine. From when he could stop to take medicine?

2. he does the breathing machine 4 hours every day.
When he doesn't need to do that?no stopping?

3. he often do the fart. Is it related to the ALS? Why does it?
plz, check the blood test result and answer about it and also these questions.

Date: 2015-07-12

Hi, long time no see.

Now, he just take medicine sliymarin, and diabetes and blood pressure medicine... and his condition is normal and good.

he walk 30 minutes every weekday, and he hiking a low mountain in weekend~

Is it okay to do like these??

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