* The patient stories published here are all those subject to the patient's consent.

Danila Mayorchik-Batten disease-(Russia)-Posted on June 13th, 2017

Name : Danila Mayorchik Sex : Male Nationality : Russian Age : 4.5Y Diagnosis : Batten disease Date of Admission : Feb. 5th, 2017 Treatment hospital/period : Wu Medical Center/13 days Before treatment: The patient was normal when he was born. He wa

Yana Ruban-Batten disease(Kazakhstan) Posted on May 30, 2011

Name: Yana Ruban Sex: female Country: Kazakhstan Age: 5 Admission Date: 2011-04-19 Diagnosis: Batten disease Days Admitted to the Hospital: 35 Two and a half years ago Yana had a serious fall and suffered a grand mal seizure. Her family took her to t

Santiya -Batten disease(Argentina)

Name: Santiya Sex: Male Age: 5 Country: Argentina Diagnosis: Batten disease Beginning Treatment Date: 2009-10-12 Admitted Days: 35 Medical History: santiya started having difficulty concentrating and was hyperactive at 3 years old. The symptoms sh

Benjamin - Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (Chile) Posted on November 27,2010

Name: Benjamin Marcelo Marin Retamal Gender: Male Age: 8 Country: Chile Diagnosis: Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (Type2) Admission Date: 2010-09-15 Number of days admitted: 37 Medical History: Benjamin was born normally, with no medical history of d

Maresu Luis Eduardo-Batten disease(Argentina) Posted on 2 February,2010

Name: Maresu Luis Eduardo Sex: Male Age: 7 Country: Argentina Diagnosis: Neuronal Ceriod Lipofuscinosis Beginning Treatment Date: 2009-12-04 Admitted Days: 41 Medical History: Maresu started having severe epileptic seizures when he was 3 years old wh

Evangelina Sharashkina - Batten disease( Russia ) Posted on May 25, 2009

Name: Evangelina Sharashkina Sex: Female Country: Russia Age: 6 Diagnosis: Batten disease Beginning of treatment: April 4th, 2009 Medical history: 2 years ago, at 16 months old, the patient was diagnosed with pneumonia, had a fever, and paroxysmal li

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