Janaya - Cerebral Palsy (Nigeria) Posted on September 2, 2009

Name: Janaya
Sex: Female
Age: 18 months
Country: Nigeria
Diagnosis: Cerebral Palsy

Before Treatment:
The patient was born with the oxygen deficit, brought brain organization maldevelopment. She was diagnosed as Cerebral paralysis. Normal baby could walk, speak and communicate with others. But the patient had Cerebral paralysis, intelligence was low. She couldn't stand and crawl independently, let alone to walk independently. The patient could cry and smile occasionally. She had simple pronunciation, but could not speak. The patient was thin and facial expression was simple. She had slow reaction and couldn't centralized attention. She had some response to others while calling her name, but she could not obey order. She'd swallowing and chewing problems. Mainly diet was liquid.

The patient was given treatment in order to expand the blood vessels, given anti-free radicals, nourished the neurons, activated the neural stem cells, and stabilized the cells' membrane. This was combined with rehabilitation.

After treatment:
After the treatment, patient's weight and height have increased. She can response to the sound quickly and concentrate on the stimulation very well. From eye contact, she can communicate with others. She has good reflex to outside stimulation. Her face expression is more vivid than before. She can pronounce more sound as well. Sometimes she can make sound following music, mainly in simple tone. She can turn over and stand up nimbly. She can stands longer than before. After finishing stem cell therapy, the patient achieves obvious improvement.


Her mother write to the doctor: " she has some improvement since we left the Wu Stem Cells medical Centre. She has made more progress with her gross motor skills, in particular, crawling, kneeling, pulling herself up to standing position, standing and walking. She has been picking up fast in the last 3 weeks after we got a professional to work with her at home. She still has more room for improvement in all these activities ."

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