Calin - Cerebral Palsy (Romania)

Name: Calin Florin Tudor
Sex: Male
Age: 34
Country: Romania
Diagnosis: Cerebral Palsy
Beginning Treatment Date: 2008-04-08
Days Admitted: 45

Medical History:
Calin was born with macrosomia (Giant baby syndrome). His mental development was normal. His walking ability and balance were poor however, and he needed support when he walked. He had difficulties walking normally when he was 3 years old and he was not able to stand up if he fell over. He received physical rehabilitation training for 2 months but didn't take any medications. At present, he can walk and stand up, however his movements are slow. Both knees have normal flexure and adduction. The upper left limb has flexion, but there is no dorsiflexion ability in the left wrist.

Calin became aware of our medical center from our website and read about patients suffering from the same condition who had been treated successfully. After consulting with our doctors, he made the decision to come to our medical center for treatment.

Admission PE:
Calin was alert; spoke fluently, natural expressions, normal reactions and sensitivity, difficulty with walking. His memory, orientation and calculation ability are all normal. Both pupils were equally round with a diameter of about 3.0mm. Both eyeballs had normal reactions to light stimulus and normal motor coordination, with no signs of nystagmus. Normal eyeground and field of view. The forehead wrinkles were symmetrical. The depth of both nasolabial grooves was the same. Healthy teeth with the tongue centered normally. Soft palate was symmetrical. The neck was soft with normal flexibility. The muscle strength of the upper right limb was level 5; the upper left limb was level 4. The muscle strength of both lower limbs was level 3. Calin was able to stretch his upper right limb and there was the ability for flexion in the upper left limb. There was no dorsiflexion ability in the left wrist. Normal flexion of both knee joints. Both feet are turned outward, fallen arches. The muscle tone of the upper left limb and both lower limbs was high, the muscle tone of the upper right limb was normal.

Calin received a complete examination and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. He received autologous stem cell activation treatment including nutrition for the nerves, increased blood circulation, strengthening of the body's immune system, and stem cell transplantation. This was combined with physical rehabilitation.

Post Treatment:
Calin's condition has markedly improved. He was given treatment for inguinal lymphadenitis, and then received anti-inflammatory treatment. At present, he can control his upper left limb. The movement in the left shoulder joint has improved. The left wrist is more relaxed than before. The strength of the left wrist has had some improvement. He can separate his thighs when sitting or walking. He can stand up without assistance. He has better control over his hip movements and his posture while walking has improved and is more relaxed.

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