Gabriel Omar Santoro - Cerebral palsy (Argentina) Updated on April 26, 2013

Name: Gabriel Omar Santoro     

Sex: Male

Country: Argentina

Age: 16

Diagnoses: 1. Cerebral palsy  2. Airway hyper-responsiveness 3. Nodal tachycardia 4. Serious scoliosis and thoracic deformity 5. Severe malnutrition 6. Postoperative tracheotomy  7. Postoperative gastrostomy

Admission Date: March 26, 2012 

Days Admitted to Hospital: 34

The examination results during the 9 months of pregnancy were normal. But Gabriel was born prematurely and after Gabriel's birth, he suffered from mucous membrane cyanosis, apnoea, and serious hypoxia. The Apgar score was not quite clear. The exact treatment plan Gabriel received at the local pediatrics hospital was not clear. He was admitted for one month, and one week after being discharged Gabriel came down with a fever. His parents brought him back to the hospital where he was given antibiotic treatment for ureterostenosis and hydronephrosis which were cured one and a half years later. When Gabriel was around 3 months old, he was not very active and had gastroesophageal reflux symptoms. The doctors at the local hospital considered cerebral palsy and gastroesophageal reflux disease. The patient received emdication to control gastroesophageal reflux disease. Additional symptoms soon developed including a developmental delay, movement impairment, asyndesis, swallowing difficulty, severe scoliosis, thoracic deformity and malnutrition. In 2008, the gastroesophageal reflux disease was aggravated. Gabriel received a gastrostomy and cardiac prosthesis. In 2011, the salivation and nasal discharge were increased. The patient suffered from breathing difficulty. He went to local hospital and received a tracheotomy.

Admission PE:

Bp: 110/78mmHg; Hr: 90-120/min, weight: 18kgs. The skin and mucosa was intact and the color of the skin was normal. After the tracheotomy and gastrostomy, there was serious scoliosis and thoracic deformity, as well as severe malnutrition. He also suffered from difficulty breathing and breathe 35-50 times each minute. There was mild contracture in both elbow joints and knee joints. The movement of the joints was confined. There was obvious muscular atrophy in all four limbs. The respiratory sounds in both upper lungs were rough, with expiratory phase wheeze. The respiratory sounds in both lower lungs were weaken. The cardiac rhythm was regular, with no murmur in the valves. The abdomen sagged. There were no palpable masses. The liver and spleen were not palpable under the ribs.

Nervous System Examination:

Gabriel was able to express anger, grief, joy and happiness. He could make eye contact. The diameter of both pupils was 5.0mms. Both eyeballs could move flexibly and the pupils reacted normally to light stimulus. Gabriel couldn't cooperate with the examination of the vision and visual field completely. Both eyes were positioned properly. The movement of both eyeballs were flexible. The forehead wrinkle pattern was symmetrical. The closing ability of the eyelids was strong. He couldn't chew or swallow slowly. He needed the assistance of family members to help him swallow food so he wouldn't choke. He had poor control over the movements of the neck. He couldn't sit or stand independently. He couldn't cooperate with the examination of the muscle strength. The muscle tone of all four limbs was almost normal. The tendon reflexes in all four limbs were active. The abdominal reflexes were normal. The bilateral Hoffmann's sign was negative. The bilateral palm jaw reflex was positive. The bilateral Babinski's sign was neutral. Gabriel couldn't cooperate with the finger-to-nose test, the rapid rotation test, the heel-knee-shin test or the digit opposition test. He couldn't cooperate with the examination of the deep and shallow sensation.


After the admission, Gabriel received treatment on March 26, 2012.  He received treatment to improve the blood circulation in order to increase the blood supply to the damaged nerves and to nourish the neurons. He also received treatment for nerve repair,  nerve regeneration and enhance immune functions. This was combined with physical rehabilitation training.


While in the hospital, the patient experienced dyspnea when the body position changed or the level of stress increased. The respiratory rate would reach 50/min during the dyspnea. This was combined with coughing and profuse sweating throughout the body. The respiratory sounds in both lungs were rough and persisted for several minutes to half an hour, then this condition would be alleviated with time. After the patient received salbutamol sulfate aerosol for treatment, the condition would be alleviated 1-2 minutes later. Airway hyper-responsiveness was considered. Gabriel still had intermittent tachypnea, but the frequency had decreased obviously. The nervous system functioning has improved. The swallowing ability has improved. The overflow of food reduced when he ate and the swallow ability increased. The swallow ability has improved and take food more smooth. The passive movement range of both hands has increased. The limited range of motion is not as severe as before. Gabriel can raise his head when he uses the support of his elbows and knees, but the ability to raise his head is weak and he still requires assistance from others. Both upper limbs can support for several seconds.


Gabriel's family member email to us:


hi Dr.

like this, I hope well, I tell him that Gabriel is far better, every step from before you travel, had no more crisis or anything, right now is eating by mouth very well and on Monday we start with the rehabiltacion with all equipment. Thanks all the staffs in Wu Stem Cells Medcial Center.



hi dr tian, thank you very much for your response, then continue with the protein and I'm already looking at ways to get here in Argentina, Gabriel continues to evolve satisfctoriamente, I send a picture today when we were doing some exercises, please show this to chiffon, is to be very happy ponr.

a big hug

alejandra and gabriel


Hi Dr susan!, I tell you like this gabriel, he is in an optimal state, happy, full of life, respiratory hand continues to improve every day better and that is what most pleases us. Scoliosis started to subside, the chest is aligned, the left shoulder completely took off the neck and trunk rotation and is improving while the lineup is getting better, and no space between the last rib and the iliac crest and hip is increasingly aligned, in short, no more than buens news.

I send the photos that will be very happy, let your Dr Wu, Dr Wang, Dr thie, phebbe, tuaya and chiffon abrzo send you a very very big and we'll see shortly.

Greetings, Alejandra and Gabriel Santoro


Dr Tian, ​​thank you very much for responding here are very happy and the four families who are traveling do so because they saw Gabriel in television programs and were convinced to make the trip to Wu Stem Cells Medical Center for the seriousness with which he speaks of   tratamientoEstoy very grateful to all of you and dream about being able to continue giving back gabriel a better life.

I send a big hug.

Alejandra and Gabriel Santoro

Date: 2012 -07-16

Hi dr susan!, I tell you like this gabriel, he is in an optimal state, happy, full of life, respiratory hand continues to improve every day better and that is what most pleases us. Scoliosis started to subside, the chest is aligned, the left shoulder completely took off the neck and trunk rotation and is improving while the lineup is getting better, and no space between the last rib and the iliac crest and hip is increasingly aligned.

I send the photos that will be very happy, let your Dr Wu, Dr Wang, Dr thie, phebbe, tuaya and chiffon abrzo send you a very very big and we'll see shortly.

Greetings, Alejandra and Gabriel Santoro


Hi dr tian, sent him the blood and urine analysis of gabriel, I think are very good, and that makes us very happy.

I understood that I will send the medication with a family to gaby, please tell me the name of this family to contact them and tell me if you received the photos i send.

a hug and affection for all staffs.

alejandra and Gabriel Santoro


dra hello!!, as the strange, is that Argentina was very important invasion, do not know how happy it makes me that Gabriel was the beginning of what is going on wu inistem cells, the televiion and radios my country reported the news gabriel every change, every day got more consultations to find out where you attended, the name of the clinic. results, mjuy Thrill ...

Dr a big hug, all our love to you and Dr. Wu and Dr. Wang, we'll be seeing again if God wants it next year

Alejandra and Gabriel Santoro


Hello Dr Tie, like this?, I hope fine, I am writing to tell you that things are going exelentes here!!, Gabriel continues to improve day by day, 700grs weight gain in two months and raised 2 cm, as measured 1.20 cm, the scoliosis continues to improve to the point that you are going to change the button gastric as I had last year, the measure is a little smaller, to improve the position and not follow espaldo deform the trunk will make the switch button.

Gabriel breathing capacity continued to improve much, this saturating best and heart rate is normalized.

We continue with the medication prescribed for you and Dr Wu, only because I have little amitriptyne 25mg, also wanted to find out whether I continue with this medication, if that dose averiguio in my country.

Dr, I can only say that all life we will be grateful for what they did for the life of Gabriel, know very well that when I get to Beijing life of my son was in serious danger and you put all his knowledge to help him control a hug across the world.

We are going back to find in April 2013, we miss much


Alejandra and Gabriel Santoro


Hello Dr Tian,

Thanks for answering my emails quickly, continue here in Argentina with the medication prescribed by Dr. Wu and Dr. Wang.

The changes are happening every day and Gabriel regained his joy and laughter this again in a better mood, which also improved, but not to the same extent are torsion spasms, remember them??, this picture is not as strong as before but remain, you will tell us whether or not there will be more progress.

Dr, I send a big hello and my respect for you and the Doctors of the hospital, when I look forward to seeing them again. Thanks for everything or done.

Alejandra and Gabriel Santoro









Hola dra, le mando un video con los ultimos avances de gabriel, le cuento de que se trata por el problema del idioma, estamos trabajando con descarga de peso en manos, muñecas, codos y hombros, forzando el movimiento de la cabeza para empiece a obtener fuerza en el cuello, esta esta pasando y cuando sentado los resultados se ven, tambien se lo ve muy contento, sonrriente y de bueen animo, epero que que le guste estos avances y se ponga tan feliz como nosotros.

estamos a la espera de la contestacion de la dra susan para volver en marzo.

un gran abrazo dra tian



Gabriel's mother email to us:

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This link for  Spain:

Gabriel's mother email some pictures to us:


The second round treatment:

Name: Gabriel Omar Santoro  

Sex: Male

Country: Argentina

Age: 17

Diagnoses: 1. Cerebral palsy  2. Nodal tachycardia 3. Serious scoliosis and thoracic deformity 4. Severe malnutrition 5. Post tracheotomy 6. Postoperation of gastrostomy 7. Hyperthyroidism

Admission Date: March 26, 2013

Days Admitted to Hospital: 27

The patient went to our hospital for treatment in March 2013. After treatment, the patient's codition had obvious improvement. For further treatment, the patient went to our hospital again.

Admission PE:

Bp: 110/78mmHg; Hr: 90-120/min, weight: 20Kg. The skin and mucosa was intact and the color of the skin was normal. Gabriel was alert, but he had apraxia of speech. He could make contact with eyes. But he always had fearful faces and tachypnea. The respiratory rates 35-40/min. The diameter of both pupils was 3.0mms. Both eyeballs could move flexibly and the pupils reacted normally to light stimulus. Gabriel couldn't cooperate with the examination of the vision and visual field partly. Both eyes were positioned properly. The forehead wrinkle pattern was symmetrical. The closing ability of the eyelids was strong. The nasolabial sulcus was equal in depth. The chew ability was poor and he swallow slowly. He swallow slowly. There was no obvious choke when he swallow. The muscle strength of neck was weak. He had difficulty with raise head or turn head. He couldn't sit or stand by himself. He couldn't cooperate with the examination of the muscle strength completely. The muscle tone of all four limbs was almost normal. The tendon reflexes in all four limbs were normal. The abdominal reflexes were normal. The bilateral Hoffmann's sign was negative. The bilateral palm jaw reflex was positive. The bilateral Babinski's sign was neutral. Gabriel couldn't cooperate with the finger-to-nose test, the rapid rotation test, the heel-knee-shin test or the digit opposition test. He couldn't cooperate with the examination of the deep and shallow sensation. There were no signs of meningeal irritation. The level of thyroid hormone was higher than normal.


After the admission, Gabriel received the relevant examinations and was diagnosed with  1. Cerebral palsy  2. Nodal tachycardia 3. Serious scoliosis and thoracic deformity 4. Severe malnutrition 5. Post tracheotomy 6. Postoperation of gastrostomy 7. Hyperthyroidism. He received treatment to improve the blood circulation in order to increase the blood supply to the damaged nerves and to nourish the neurons. He also received treatment to control the heart rate, and improve the gastrointestinal functioning, had his nutritional intake improved and correct thyroid hormone levels. This was combined with physical rehabilitation training.


Gabriel's condition has obvious improvement. The anxiety tension attack is reduced obviously. The muscle strength of respiratory muscle has improved. The respiratory sounds in left lower lung is almost normal. The respiratory rate is stable and about 40 times each minute. The nutritional status is improved and the subcutaneous fat has inctreased. The sinking of abdomen is disappeared. Weight: 21Kg. The muscle strength of head and neck has increased. He can raise head and contrl head better. The muscle strength of four limbs has increased. In prone position, he can support with both hands for 30 minutes. With the assistance of both hands, he can sit cross-legged. The control ability of both lower limbs has increased. The recheck of thyroid gland showed the level of thyroid gland has restore to normal level.


Gabriel Omar Santoro's mother email to us:

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Date: Wed, 29 May 2013

hola querida lisa te envio el link de uno de los videos de gaby para que puedan subirlo a la pagina de la clinica.

Gabriel esta muy bien de salud, avanzando. te mando un abrazo bien grande, saludos para la doctora Tian.


Date: 2013-10-24

Hola dra Tian, seguiremos con los controles medicos en argentina, con el endocrinologo, para saber su opinion con respecto al resultado del estudio de TSH, el dia 8 de noviembre hay que repetir el chequeo de sangre para ver comidan los valores.

Le cuento que Gabriel esta mas que bien, crecio mucho de largo casi 4 cm en estos 6 meses, sigue sent��ndose y de muy buen humor. Ya o quiere estar acostado o quieto mucho tiempo, reclama con gestos y miradas cambio de posiciones. Sigue tolerando muy bien el alimento y por supuesto sigue con las terapias de fonoaudiologia, terapia ocupacional y kinesiologia de forma periodica.

Seguimos adelante con la campana para juntar el dinero para el ano que viene, es un poco dificil porque estoy alta to de la cantidad de chicos argentinos que eston yendo a la cl��nica del Dr. Wu y eso nos pone muy felices pero al mismo tiempo se nos hace dificil juntar el dinero.

Le mando un abrazo tu rinde, se extrana la clinica y lo que se vive ahi.

Mi saludos mas sinceros.


Enviado desde mi iPad

The following are translate from spanish:


Hi Doctor Tian

In Argentina, We will continue to do the medical check-up in endocrinology department in order to get your suggestion of the result of thyroid stimulating hormone. On 8th of November, we will recheck blood test and report you the results.

I would like to tell you that Gabriel is much more better now, in the past 6 months, he grows approximate 4 cm. He could sit and he is in good mental state. Right now, he could sleep and keep quiet in a long time and he could tell us that he wants to change position by facial expression. His digestion and appetite are very good. He has physical therapy, occupation therapy and speech therapy.

We are planning to raise money for the treatment of next year. It is difficult to raise money because there are a lot of patients are going to your clinic.


Gabriel Santoro

Hi doctor Tian,

I would like to send you Gabriel's new examination of TSH, as I wished the results has decreased obviously. On Friday, we went to see a doctor in Argentina. He gave me his suggestion after he checked the results. I am very glad to tell you that I will bring Gabriel to hospital to remove the tracheal cannula on 6th December. That means Gabriel will go back to his life like 2 years ago, we are very happy, because stem cells changed our life and I want to thank all you did for us. I am looking forwards to return to your clinic and I want to give you a big hug.

Espero su respuesta y la mantengo al tanto de cada novedad.

Saludos a todo el equipo medico, de rehabilitacinn, a las enfermeras, junto con Lisa, Julia y la dra Susan!, eston siempre en mi corazon y en mis pensamientos!!!!!.


Alejandra y Gabriel Santoro!

Enviado desde mi iPad

Date: 2013-12-03

Subjet:Avances de Gabriel.

I am waiting for your response and much more improvements. Tanks for all of you, your medical team, physical therapists, nurses and stuffs in marketing department, you are always in my minHi Dr Tian, I send you a photo of Gabriel walking with knee stabilizers. His hands are connected with wheelchair. He could control his body, head. We are very happy to see this. I am sure he will gain more improvement next year and we will see the life we want in the following years.

Thanks for all of you. d and my heart.

Un abrazo muy grande que atraviesa el hemisferio!!!!!,.

Siempre en mi corazon!!!!!!.

Besos a lisa y a Julia!!

Alejandra y Gabriel santoro



Querida Dra Tian.

Le envío unas fotos del trabajo de Gabriel en casa.
Cada día avanza un poco más, estamos trabajando el control de cabeza y tronco y lo ayudo a dar el paso, todavía sólo no,puede, pero lo disfruta y eso nos pone felices!.
Le mando muchos abrazos y espero verla pronto.



Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2014

Hola Lisa!!!!!!!!!, te envió esta foto con nuevos adelantos de Gabriel!, esta empezando a poder mantener la cabeza en esta posición, estamos muy contentos. No lo dejamos sólo por el tutor que tiene que reemplaza a la traqueostomia, estamos cerca de el para cuidarlo y que no se vaya a lastimar cuando levanta la cabeza.Tengo que decirte que no sabemos si vamos a poder ir este año, estamos trabajando para reunir el si ero pero es muy difícil, nos falta dinero y después el problema es el clima de China, para fin de año hace mucho frío y hay nieve y no se si eso va a ser bueno para Gabriel.Si hay algún cambio y podemos volver sería una alegría.Un abrazo y se los extraña a todos, cada día en la vida de Gabriel es un avance muy grande.saludos. Alejandra

The following are translate into English:

Hi, Lisa ! ! ! !
I sent this photo with new developments of Gabriel. This starting to keep the head in this position, we are very happy. It not only by the guardian that replaces the tracheostomy, we are near to him, and that is not going to hurt when you lift the head. I don't know if we can go this year, we are working to gather the ERO is very difficult. but if we lack money and after the problem is the climate of China, at the end of the year, it is very cold and there's snow and I don't know if that's good for Gabriel. If there's any change and we can go back. Every day in the life of Gabriel is progressed,
Hug all of you.




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