Ana Florencia Maria Castillo-Cerebral Palsy-(Argentina)-Update on Aug. 19, 2015
The second round treatment:
Name: Ana Florencia Maria Castillo
Sex: Female
Nationality: Argentina
Age: 18 Years
Diagnosis: Cerebral Palsy
Date of Admission: July 6th, 2015
Treatment hospital/period: Wu Medical Center/28 days
Before treatment:
Patient’s mother had urinary tract infection at four-month of gestation and took antibiotics. Patient was prematurely delivered when the mother was 28-week pregnant. She weighed 1Kg when she was born; she had severe hypodevelopment, newborn pulmonary hyaline membrane disease, septicemia and apnea. When she was 7-month old, she was found to have spasm of lower limbs and have limited motion of lower limbs. Since then she started regular rehabilitation. At one and half year old, she had febrile convulsion and took anticonvulsant drug. At 8 years old, she had convulsion again because the dosage of anticonvulsant drug was reduced. She had an unclear and slow language. The intelligence was lower than children of her age. The movement of four limbs was limited and discordant and spasms happened frequently.
Admission PE:
Patient vital sign was normal and stable. Her skin had no yellow stains or the throat was congested. The respiratory sounds in both lungs were clear, with no obvious moist or dry rales. The heart rate was 80/min. There was no obvious murmur in the valves. The abdomen was soft and flat. The liver and spleen were normal under palpation. There was no swollen in the legs.
Nervous System Examination:
Ana was alerted. She could communicate with others but her speech was slow. She had a normal orientation, memory and calculation. The diameter of both pupils was 4.0mms, and both pupils were equal in size and round. The pupils moved in full range, reacted normally to light stimulus and there was no nystagmus. Her tongue was in the middle of oral cavity. The uvula was in the middle when she opened her month. The muscle tone of her neck was normal. The muscle strength of her right upper limbs was at level 4 while that of her left upper limb was at level 3. She could grasp objects. The muscle strength of lower limbs was at level 2. The muscle tone of four limbs was conspicuously higher than normal, and that of the upper limbs was worse than that of lower limbs. She was not able to walk. The bilateral abdominal reflex could not be elicited. The bilateral radial periosteal reflex could not be elicited. The reflex of biceps and triceps was normal and bilateral patellar tendon reflex was normal. The bilateral pathological sign was normal. She could not perform the test of rapid rotation, finger-to-finger, and finger-to-nose test. She could not perform the knee-shin-heel test (resulted from high muscle tone). The meningeal irritation sign was negative.
We initially gave Ana a complete examination. According to the examination and medical history, she was diagnosed with Cerebral palsy. She received four times of neural stem cell injection and four times of mesenchymal stem cell injection to initiate nerve repair and regeneration. She had also medicines to nourish neurons, improve circulation and adjust immune function. We also gave her daily physical rehabilitation to improve the movement function.
After 4 weeks' treatment, Ana's condition has improved. Her pronunciation is clearer and the flexibility of limbs has improved. The muscle tone of patient has been alleviated. The synkinetic movement when she speaks or moves her upper limbs has reduced. She is able to open her hands fully if she is relaxed. Her right hand is more flexible than before when she catches objects. The muscle strength of body trunk and lower limbs has improved. She can keep a standing position for 2 minutes. She could walk 10 meters if her trunk is kept in a balanced position.
Hola Brittani! Flor mejor con las manchas rojas y mucho mejor también con el babeo, control mejor de su saliva. El lunes estarán los resultados de los análisis y les enviare. Gracias! Saludos! Mirta
Date: 2015-12-11
Hola Brittsni! A los 6 meses de estar en Beijing necesito saber si Flor debe continuar con toda la medicación que esta tomando indicado la última vez.
Cuando debera sacar otra vez los analisis de sangre?
Por ahora babea menos pero en algunos momentos continua.
Su tronco y cabeza mejoro un poco nada más.
Espero su respuesta! Saludos!
Date: 2016-2-16
Brittani Hello ! here I send Flor tests to see Dr Wu .
Flower better, less drooling and at times very strongly in your muscles . He has the most relaxed arms and hands also.
Flower now sleeps very little and its trunk is better , it is not balanced as much as months ago.
Best from Argentina , greetings remember if any Argentina family to send me the medication you need to take . Thank you Mirta Castillo
Brittani sent several pictures of flower to show the Wu and Wang doctors like this now . This very well in recent months and we are very happy.
Thanks! Mirta
The first round treatment:
Admission Date: October 22, 2012
Days Admitted to Hospital: 28 days
Before treatment:
The patient's mother used antibiotics when she was 4 months pregnant (the dose and the medication was not clear). The patient was born prematurely due to premature rupture of her mother's fetal membranes. The weight at birth was 1Kg. The patient had extreme hypo-development. She had neonatal hyaline membrane disease, septicemia and apnea. The patient received drug injections to promote lung maturity. She used a ventilator for breathing. 4 days later, she was taken off the ventilator. She suffered from cardiac arrest on the 5th day after birth. For 20 minutes resuscitation was attempted, but was unsuccessful. Then the patient began breathing on her own. Then the patient was transferred to other hospital and spent 40 days in an incubator and with a respirator for breathing. She was discharged from the hospital on the 55th day and weight was 1.537 kg at that time. The patient suffered from spasms of the lower limbs frequently in the night when she was 7 months old. She was given an EEG in the local hospital and started taking sedatives. She started with rehabilitation, speech therapy, counseling psychology, music therapy, hydrotherapy and hippo-therapy. The patient suffered from pneumonia when she was a year and a half. She had febrile convulsion and uses anticonvulsants. When she was 8 years old, she suffered from convulsions for the reducing of dose of anticonvulsant. Then there was no attack of convulsions. At present, the patient's intellectual development is delayed. Her speech speed was slow, too. She still could communicate with others. She had difficulty focusing. She, also, was irritable. The patient couldn't sit, stand or walk. She couldn't balance without assistance. With some assistance, the patient could keep body stable at a certain degree. Both lower limbs suffered from frequent spasms. Both arms automatically shook frequently, and the left side was more severe than the right side. Both hands can only stretch slightly. She needs assistance with walking. Both arms couldn't swing. She can take steps reluctantly. She crosses her legs without any external force assistance. Her feet were present in a horseshoe shape. She walks with the assistance of a wheelchair in the daily life.
Nervous System Examination:
Ana Florencia Maria Castillo was alert, and her spirit was ok. Her speech was slow and could communicate simply with others. The directive force was normal. The memory was almost normal. The calculation abilities were poor. Both pupils were equal in size and round. Both pupils had normal responses to light stimuli. The eye position was normal. The eyeballs could move freely. She crowded eye action when she speaks, swivel or exercise limbs, and she couldn't control the action of crowding eyes. The tongue was in the center of the oral cavity. The uvula was in the center. The muscle tone of the neck was normal. The muscle strength of upper limbs was level 3. Though the tension was high, both hands couldn't grasp. She couldn't cooperate with the examination of both lower limbs' muscle strength (though the muscle tone was high). The muscle tone of four limbs was obviously higher. The lower limbs were more severe than the upper limbs. The walking gait presented as a scissor gait. The bilateral abdominal reflexes were not elicited. Bilateral radial periosteal reflex, biceps reflex and triceps reflex were not elicited. Bilateral patellar tendon reflex was not elicited. Bilateral ankle clonus was negative. The sucking reflex was negative. Bilateral palm jaw reflex was negative. She couldn't cooperate with the examination of bilateral Hoffmann sign. Bilateral Babinski sign was (+-). She couldn't cooperate with the the rapid rotation test, finger-to-nose test, digital opposition test or the heel-knee-shin test. The meningeal irritation was negative.
After admission, the patient received related examinations and she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. She received treatment to improve the blood circulation in order to increase the blood supply to the damaged nerves and to nourish the neurons. She also received treatment to never repair and nerve regeneration. This was accompanied with body movement rehabilitation and speech function rehabilitation training.
Post Treatment:
Ana Florencia Maria Castillo's expression is more nature than before. The crowding eyes movement has disappeared when she speaks or exercises limbs. The muscle tone of the four limbs was obviously reduced. When she relaxes, both palms can unfold. Both hands could make a fist and grasp some objects. Both upper limbs show the tendon reflex. The tendon reflex of both lower limbs is active. The muscle strength of the limbs and trunk has improved. She can sit by herself. She can raise her upper limbs over her head by herself. Both lower limbs can do parallel translation and the inside parallel translation is good, the outside parallel translation distance is small. When she raises her lower limbs, the knees can rise from the bed surface. The muscle strength of the right upper limb is level 4. The muscle strength of the left upper limb is level 3. The holding power of left upper limb is level 3. The muscle strength of both lower limbs was level 2+. With the assistance of a balance bar, she can walk a few steps.
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