Agustina - Mental retardation (Argentina) Posted on February 18, 2013

Name: Agustina Lucia Venturini              
Country: Argentina
Age: 4
Diagnosis: Mental retardation
Admission Date: 2013-01-09
Days Admitted to Hospital: 30 days

Medical History:

The patient was born through cesarean section. There was no specific suffocating history. 7 months later, a family member found that the baby couldn't raise her head. She was sent to the local hospital. She was diagnosed with psychomotor retardation. When she was 1 year old, with some assistance, the patient could keep the sitting position. She could sit up by herself when she was 1 year and 8 months old. The comprehension was poor. She also had asyndesis. Her both hands couldn't grasp objects. She once tried to pick up goods and put into her mouth with her feet, not with her hands. She started producing language when she was 3 years old. She received language training, motor function training and cognitive function training, but the effect was not good.

Nervous System Examination:
Agustina Lucia Venturini was alert and she had fidgety hyperactivity. She couldn't cooperate with the comprehension, memory, calculation ability, or orientation examinations. Her speech were mainly "e-ya" speech. She could comply with simple instructions. She knew all her family members. She could say "daday" and "mama". She also could say her own name and other simple words. She could express hunger and defecation,such as thirsty, bread and so on. She was unable to count, add or subtract. Her comprehension was poor. She could understand simple words which had been taught to her many times. Such as "Have a seat", "Lie down","Hug",  "Kiss" and so on. She could pay attention when listening to music, play with goods that she likes. The diameter of both pupils was about 3.0mms. Both pupils were sensitive to light reflex. Both eyes could move freely. There was no obvious nystagmus. The chew and swallow ability were normal. She had good control of her head. She couldn't cooperate with the muscle strength examination. There were autonomic activities in the four limbs. She could grasp or hold objects. She was unable to feed herself. She could turn over, sit up and keep the sitting position by herself. She couldn't kneel or stand up by herself. She couldn't keep the standing position. She could stand by herself. She could walk 2 to 3 steps. The muscle tone of the four limbs was normal. The tendon reflex of the four limbs was normal. The abdominal reflex was negative. Bilateral palm jaw reflex was negative. Bilateral Hoffmann sign was negative. Bilateral Hoffmann sign was negative. Bilateral Babinski sign was negative. She couldn't cooperate with other examinations.

Agustina Lucia Venturini received a complete examination and she was diagnosed with Mental retardation. She received treatment to nourish the neurons, improve the blood circulation and control the mental and mood. This was accompanied with rehabilitation training. 
After 4 weeeks therapy in Wu Stem Cells Medical Center. The patient's hyperactivity is more reduced than before. Her height has increased 1 cm. The motor function and intelligence have improved. 1. Motor aspects: the muscle strength of lumbar, pelvic girdle and thigh has increased. The balance ability of trunk has increased than before. She is able to keep kneeling and standing position for a short time. She can also keep the balance of the trunk. The walking gait and posture are more stable than before. The shaking time and fall down times when she walks have reduced. She can walk more than ten meters by herself. She can walk 50 meters with the assistance of walking aids. With the pulling of others, the patient can climb 2 flights of stairs. 2. Intelligence aspects: She has good cooperation ability when she does exercises and she almost finishes most actions. She can count from 1 to 10 with the guide of a family member. She can speak more language, and can speck brief sentence, such as " I am thirsty " and so on.


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Agustina's mother email to our medical center, Agusina has make significant progress:

Date: 2013-08-16 02:45:31

RE: blood test and report of the rehabilitation of Agustina Venturini

Dear lisa: sorry for not send mails with the results and progress of Agustina. in my city had problems with internet but all blood tests were done in a timely manner. here had control of his pediatrician and everything is normal so I send the last reporting.

as to the cardiological evaluation is mormal, her EKG is normal and her blood pressure too. if you need, we will sent it to you.

As Agustina's Mum, I can tell you that she has changed a lot compared to the girl that you met in China. Agustina weight gain, there she weighed about 17 kg, now she weighs 25 kg plus. she communicates much better with us. her vocabulary has increased a lot. she plays with her ​​toys, watch and talk to other children, she enjoys walks, she sings, she answers our questions, and she has begun to make mischief. also she managed to walk short distances alone. We are very happy to have made ​​the decision to go to China. every day it gets a little better and show us your progress ...

I need to know if agustina need to continue the medication because we have left for 6 months.

Best wishes!!!!

Malena Venturini

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