Maria Paz - Cerebral palsy-(Argentina)-Update on Sept. 24th, 2015

Name: Maria Paz          
Country: Argentina
Age: 3
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy
Admission Date: 2013-03-10
Days Admitted to Hospital: 27 days

Befroe treatment:
The patient was born when her mother was 29 weeks pregnant. The motility of four limbs was weak after she was born. She also had abnormal position of the eyes. She was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. She received rehabilitation. The motor function and movement of the eyeballs had some improvement. Before the treatment, the patient could sit by herself. But she couldn't walk or crawl. She has a lack language. The comprehension was almost normal. The muscle tone of both lower limbs was higher than normal. She gets injections of endotoxin every 6 months.

Nervous System Examination:
The patient was alert. Her speech was ok. The comprehension ability was almost normal. She couldn't cooperate with the examination of memory, calculation abilities and orientation. Both pupils were equal in size and round. The diameter of the pupils was 3.0mms. Both pupils had sensitive responses to light stimulus. The eyeballs could follow objects. The movement of the extraocular muscle was discordant. Both eyeballs were in abducent position slightly. The swallow ability was normal. She couldn't cooperate with the examination of other cranial nerves. The muscle strength of both upper limbs was level 4. The muscle strength of both lower limbs was level 3. The muscle tone of both upper limbs was almost normal. The muscle tone of both lower limbs was higher than normal. The tendon reflex of both upper limbs was normal. The abdominal reflexes were normal. Both lower limbs had tendon hyper reflexia. The patient could turn the head and raise the head in horizontal position. The movement of the four limbs was normal. She couldn't turn over, sit up, stand or walk. In standing position, with some assistance, the hip joints and knee joints were bent, the trunk was bent forward, the Achilles' tendon had mild contracture, only the toe touched the floor. Bilateral sucking reflex was negative. The Babinski sign was negative. She couldn't cooperate with the sensory examination and coordinate movement examination. There was no meningeal irritation.

After admission, the patient received the relevant examinations. The patient was given treatment to improve the blood circulation in order to increase the blood supply to the damaged nerves and nourishment for the neurons. She also received treatment for nerve repair, nerve regeneration and to adjust immunity. This was combined with daily physical rehabilitation therapy.

The nervous system symptoms are improved. The muscle strength of the waist and back is improved. The balance ability of the trunk is better. She could turn over and crawl freely. She can sit by herself. The muscle strength of both upper limbs was level 4+. Both upper limbs can reach out and rise strongly. Both hands can hold an object normally. She is able to finish some fine motor skill activity, such as picking up small buttons and small wood nails. The muscle strength of both lower limbs reached level 3+. With some assistance, she can step forward strongly. The Achilles tendon contracture was alleviated.

Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2013

Maria's family member email to us:

Hi Lisa,
as you walk? Yet I tell you that we are getting used to our daily lives and we are very pleased with the progress of Maria Paz. We arrived at our home on Saturday April 9 and Friday 12 April, while she was lying on the floor playing department, lay alone was achieved. We jumped for joy to see such progress in it. He had never sat alone and now he does every day. As parents, we are very happy and grateful to name Dr. Wu and his staff, for the breakthrough that had, besides having more strength in his arms and legs and notice it more mentally active. This week I have the blood tests and you'll be sent before Friday. many Thanks.

Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2013

Hola Lisa como estan?
Te cuento que Maria Paz Barbero evoluciona muy bien y cada dia esta mucho mejor. Aumento de peso desde que volvimos de china, la oftalmologa le cambio sus anteojos porque mejoro su vista, crecio 6 centimetros y hoy ya tiene un metro, tiene mas fuerzas en sus piernas y brazos. Si esta sentada en una silla y tiene algun objeto de donde agarrarse, se para y se mantiene de pie durante un buen tiempo y lo que mas nos sorprende es que intenta agarrar su andador y logra dar de 5 a 10 pasos ella sola. Estamos muy contentos y queriamos compartir con todos ustedes estos avances. Saludos al Dr. Wu y todos los profesionales.

Date: 2015-9-24

Dear Doctors,

The aim of this e-mail is to communicate Maria Paz's situation after a year of her second treatment with stem cells. I would like to tell you that she is cognitively well. She is attending school and she has been integrated with her classmates with the help of a therapeutic companion. We had a meeting with her teachers and the board of education and they told us that next year she will pass to second grade. She has managed to socialize and has acquired autonomy to decide on various issues. She recognizes numbers and geometric figures and makes sums and subtractions. As well as this, she identifies vowels and consonants and participates not only in regular classes but also in Physical Education classes always on her wheelchair. She also plays with her classmates.

She is still doing rehabilitation and she has shown betterment in her muscle tone. Two months ago, she had a weep operation because she had a dislocation on her left weep side. Doctors made a varizal osteotomia. Due to this, nowadays her left leg is 3 centimeters shorter that the right one. I would like to consult whether she has to keep on taking the medicine you administered her, which ones and the dose. I would also like to know if it will be necessary for her to return to China for another stem cells treatment in the future or if with these two she has gone through it will be enough.    

Attached you will find Maria Paz's last tests.

Kind regards,

Gabriela Canales.

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