Sherry Dolany - Cerebral palsy (Saudi Arabia)

Name:Sherry Dolany                 
Sex: Female
Country: Saudi Arabia
Age:1 year and 4 months
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy
Date: April 10, 2014
Days Admitted to Hospital: 59 days

Before treatment:
The patient was born full term. She was born per vagina by midwifery for fetal distress and bradycardia. Her skin had cyanosis when she was born. There was no autonomous respiration or crying. The Apgar score was 4. 1 minute. Later, her breathe was restored after rescue. The Apgar score was 7. Then the patient suffered from motor development delay and intellectual development delay. She was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. She received rehabilitation training. At present, her sucking ability is poor. She needed spoon for diet. She also suffered from aphasia. The muscle tone of her whole body was higher than normal. She was unable to crawl, turn over or sit-up.

The patient's spirit was good. She took food 4-5 times each day. She wear paper diaper for urine and the urine was almost normal. The defecation was dry and defecate 1-2 times each day.

Admission PE:
Bp: 76/42mmHg; Hr: 120/min; Height: 74cm, Weight: 7kg. The skin and mucosa were normal. The respiratory sounds in both lungs were clear, with no dry or moist rales. The heart rhythm was regular, with no murmur in each valves. The abdominal muscle was tight. The liver and spleen were not palpable under the ribs. There was no obvious masses was touched.

Nervous System Examination:
The patient was alert. She suffered from aphasia. She always presented with opisthotonos position. She could pronounce words to express her emotions. She could make eye contact with others. Both pupils were equal in size; the diameter of both eyes was 3.0mms. Both pupils reacted sensitively to light stimulus. She couldn't cooperate with the examination of vision and visual field completely. The eye position was normal. Both eyeballs could move freely to each side. The forehead wrinkle pattern was symmetrical. She was able to close her eyes with ease. The bilateral nasolabial sulcus was equal in depth. She couldn't chew and swallow slowly. She couldn't suck and needed to be fed through spoon. There was no cough when she swallows. She had poor control of the neck. The muscle tone was high. She couldn't lie on her stomach, turn over, sit, stand or walk. She couldn't cooperate with the examination of muscle strength of her four limbs. The muscle tone of her four limbs was high. The tendon reflex of her four limbs was normal. The abdominal reflexes were not elicited. Bilateral palm jaw reflex was positive. Bilateral Babinski sign was neutral. She was unable to cooperate with the examination of the finger-to-nose test, digital opposition test, the rapid rotation test or the heel-knee-shin test. She also couldn't cooperate with the examination of deep sensation and shallow sensation. There was no meningeal irritation sign.

We gave Sherry Dolany a complete examination and she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. She received treatment for nerve regeneration and activate stem cells in vivo. She received treatment to improve the blood circulation in order to increase the blood supply and nourish the damaged neurons. She also received treatment for the control of her heart rate and also to improve gastrointestinal function so as to improve nutritional intake. This was accompanied with daily physical rehabilitation training.

Post treatment:
The patient's physical development is better than before. The patient's height: 77cm, weight: 8.5Kg. The swallowing and sucking ability are better than before. She drinks milk with bottle.  The muscle tone of her whole body was higher than normal before the treatment. Now, the muscle tone of her whole body has reduced. The opisthotonos is alleviated. She can turn her head more quickly in lying position. She has better control of neck in sitting position. She can turn over and also can lie on one side. The adduction action of both upper limbs have increased. She can hold an object. With some assistance to the lower limbs, she can walk.  Both hands can grasp object. 

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