Juan Ignacio Velez-Cerebral Palsy-(Argentina)-Update on October 21th, 2015

Name: Juan Ignacio Velez
Sex: Male
Nationality: Argentina
Age: 8 Years
Diagnosis: 1.Cerebral Palsy 2. Bilateral Tonsillitis
Date of Admission: Aug. 30, 2015
Treatment hospital/period: Wu Medical Center/21 days

Before treatment:
The patient was premature birth when his mother was pregnant for 32 weeks. He was hard to breathe and had a lot of phlegm at the age of 1 month, his condition was better after rescue, but he began to have epilepsy and stroke sac result from intracerebral hematoma.  His motor function was developed slowly at the age of 2, so he was taken to the local hospital and diagnosed as cerebral palsy, he received regular rehabilitation training. His injected twice creatoxin to lower his muscle tension. He went to kindergarten for 1 year and went to normal primary school this year.  His intelligence was not that well, he could communicate with others but he spoke slowly. He had higher muscle tension and he had poor motor coordination of his four limbs, his limbs were not straight and spastic. When he is resting: his both side upper limbs were flexed. He could extend his right elbow joints but he couldn’t extend the left one. His right hand always made a fist and his left hand was open, both hands could extend but couldn’t hold up objects. His lower limbs were straight, left toe was involute, right feet was normal. Both lower limbs could extend. The power of trunk was bad, his trunk was twist to right , he could turn over but he couldn’t sit up by himself. He could crawl with elbows. He could stand up and walk with someone’s help, he had scissors gait. His family wants a better life, so he comes to our medical center and diagnosed as cerebral palsy.

His spirit, sleep, diet, urination and excrement were normal, his was a little toward thin.

Admission PE:
Bp: 100/64mmHg. Hr: 88/min,. Br: 19/min. Height: 109cms, weight:20kgs. His physical development was good, but he had dystrophia and thin. The skin and mucosa were normal with no yellow stains or petechia. He had congestion of throat, type II swelling of both side tonsils. His neck was symmetrical, the trachea was in the center, the thyroid gland was normal. His thorax was symmetrical, the respiratory sounds in both lungs were clear, with no dry or moist rales. The cardiac rhythm was irregular, with no obvious murmur in the valves. The heart sound was strong. The abdomen was flat and soft, with no pressing pain. His liver and spleen were normal, the shifting dullness was negative. His other organs were normal. There was no edema in both lower limbs.

Nervous System Examination:
Juan Ignacio Velez was alert and his spirit was good. He could communicate with others, but spoke slowly. His examination of orientation and calculation was normal, but memory examination was bad. He could count number from 1-10, he could do addition and subtraction with his fingers in 10. Both pupils were equal in size and round, and were sensitive to light stimulus. Both eyeballs had flexible movement. He had nystagmus verticalis. His tongue was centered in the oral cavity, the uvulas was in the center of his mouth. The muscle tension of four limbs was a little higher, he had poor motor coordination and torsion spasm. Resting position, both of his upper limbs were in flexed position, both of his upper limbs could rotate outward and extend. Resting position, his right hand was a fist. His left hand could open up and extend, but he couldn’t hold up objects with hands. Resting position, both of his lower limbs could extend, but his left toe rotated outward and malformed, his right feet was in basic functional position, both of his lower foot could bend and extend. The power of his trunk was bad, his trunk twisted to right. He could turn over, but he could sit up by himself. He could crawl with his hands and knees, he could walk with someone’s help, he had scissors gait. Both side abdominal reflexes were normal. Left radial periosteal reflex and biceps brachii reflex were normal. Right side was abnormal. Left side patella tendon reflex was normal, right side was abnormal. Both side achilles reflex was abnormal. Both side Babinski sign and ankle reflex were positive. He couldn’t do rapid rotation test, finger to finger test, finger to nose or heel-knee-tibia test. The meningeal irritation sign was negative.

After admission, Juan Ignacio Velez received the relevant examinations and diagnosed as 1.Cerebral palsy 2. Bilateral Tonsillitis. He received 4 times of neural stem cell injection and 4 times of mesenchymal stem cell injection to activate the cells, nourishes neurons, improve circulation and immunity. He also had physical rehabilitation to improve his motor function and speech function.

After treatment, his muscle tension was lower than before, he could hold objects better, his scissors gait was less. He had whole body twist, spasm and pain after his fever result from both side tonsillitis, the condition was better after the treatment. He could move his tongue better, he could speak more clear, his calculation was better, he could count numbers in 50, do sums in his head in 20. When he is resting, his muscle were more relaxed, and he could move his lover limbs better.




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Date: 2015-10-21

Así descansa todos los días juan, sin dolor y muy relajado


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