Evangelos Tsesmelis-Multiple Sclerosis-(Australia)

Name: Evangelos Tsesmelis         

Sex: Male

Country: Australia

Age: 39

Diagnosis: Multiple Sclerosis

Beginning of treatment: 12th November 2007

Medical history before stem cell treatment:

Evangelos was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2002. Evangelos continued to lead a normal life for 2 more years, but in 2004 his symptoms worsened drastically and his mobility was greatly reduced. With only a few options left, he decided to come to China for stem cell treatment.

When Evangelos arrived at the Hospital, the most evident sign of his MS was how it had affected his mobility. He was not able to stand or even raise himself to a sitting position without assistance. His ability to move his arms was reduced to the point of not being able to lift them at all and he was confined to a wheelchair. Daily basic activities such as eating, dressing and showering required great efforts and he had to have constant assistance.

Before the treatment, Evangelos had trouble speaking because of the weakening of the muscles around and in his mouth. Another of the debilitating effects of the MS was a blinking twitch in his eye which affected his sense of balance and caused him to vomit on a regular basis.

Before the treatment Evangelos spent most of his time in bed as the effort of controlling his movements, balance and deteriorating cognition, was too great.


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Evangelos received 3 bone marrow stem cell injections via lumbar puncture and nutritious stem cell cocktail treatment (intravenous).

After stem cell treatment:

For Evangelos, improvements during the treatment came gradually and with small changes. After a few weeks into the treatment, he could lift one of his arms up in a straight angle, a movement which he could not do before. In physical therapy, he was able to lift his legs by himself and move more freely than before. His balance improved and, with some assistance, he could do more of the daily tasks that were impossible before the treatment.

His speech improved, making communication and daily life easier. The most significant change though for Evangelos was that the twitch in his eye disappeared, restoring his sense of balance and therefore ending the regular vomiting. His wife, Nicole, adds that Evangelos is now quicker to respond and that his mind is clearer. 


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