Essam Aboullah Mobarak Al-Multiple Sclerosis-(Saudi Arabia)

Name: Essam Aboullah Mobarak Al
Sex: Male
Nationality: Saudi Arabian
Age: 34Y
Diagnosis: Multiple Sclerosis
Treatment hospital/period: Wu Medical Center/15 days

Before treatment:
The patient was unable to see clearly with his left eye 15 years ago. He didn’t go to hospital and his condition became normal some days later. One year later he was unable to see clearly with the right eye so he went to hospital and was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. 7 years ago he was unable to walk normally and his limbs were weak so he went to hospital again and received interferon. His condition did not improve much so he went to Germany for further treatment. His condition did not improve after many types of treatment and at present the motor functions of the  left side of his body are not good so he has balance problems.
His spirit is good, he has normal sleep and diet, his urination and defecation functions are normal. Sometimes he experiences headaches.

Admission PE:
Bp: 130/86mmHg, Hr: 86/min, body temperature: 36.7 degrees. Height: 178cm, weight: 81Kg. Nutrition status is good with normal physical development. Chest develop is normal, the respiratory sounds in both lungs were clear with no dry or moist rales. The heart beat is strong with regular cardiac rhythm and no obvious murmur in the valves. The abdomen was soft and bulging with no masses or tenderness.

Nervous System Examination:
Patient was alert and mental status was fine with clear speech. Memory, orientation and calculation ability were normal. Both pupils were equal in size and round, diameter of 2.5mm, react well to light, no eyesight problem and no nystagmus. Bilateral forehead wrinkle and nasolabial groove are symmetrical. He can make his tongue extend out as normal, there is no tongue muscle atrophy, showing teeth was normal. His neck could move freely. The left body lateral proximal side muscle tone is slightly increased, other limbs muscle tone was normal. Muscle power of the left arm was 3 +degrees, right arm was 5 degrees, left hand grip force was 3+ degrees,  right hand was 5 degrees. Muscle power of the left leg was 3+ degrees, the right leg was 4+degrees. Abdominal reflex was normal, left side was mildly weaker. Tendon reflex of all 4 limbs were active, sucking reflex was negative, jaw reflex was negative and palm-jaw reflex was negative. Bilateral Hoffmann sign was negative, Babinski sign of both sides was positive. Sensory examinations were basically normal, the tuning fork vibratory sensibility was decreased especially in the left ankle area. Patient's left arm alternate movement was slightly slow, left side finger to nose test and finger opposite movement were not stable or accurate, coordinate movement of the legs was not stable with the left side much worse. Patient could not walk straight and he could not perform the Romberg's sign examination. He had difficulty to stand on one leg and the meningeal irritation sign was negative.

After the admission he received related examinations and was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. He received 3 neural stem cell injections and 3 mesenchymal stem cell injections to repair his damaged nerves, replace dead nerves with new injected stem cells, nourish nerves, regulate his immune system and improve blood circulation. This was done with rehabilitation training.     

After 15 days treatment his endurance improved, his trunk balance control was better than before, left body side muscle power increased 1-2 degrees. Muscle power of the left arm was 4+ degrees, grip force of the left hand was 4+ degrees, muscle power of the left leg was 4+ degrees. The muscle pain and spasm in the left shoulder area and left body lateral proximal side alleviated obviously. The tuning fork vibratory sensibility of left body side recovered a lot.

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