Mr.Wei - MSA ( China) Posted on April 2, 2010

Name: Mr. Wei
Sex: Male
Country: China
Age: 70
Diagnosis: Multiple System Atrophy
Admission Date: 2010-02-22
Days Admitted to the Hospital: 36

Mr. Wei started having a bowel and bladder dysfunction with no obvious causes in 2006; he did not have urgent urges to urinate and did not have odynuria. He was presented with PBH and after 1 year of treatment, showed no improvement. He had edema in the lower limbs and face. He developed walking difficulty and barylalia 3 years ago. He went to see a doctor in the local hospital, received a head CT examination and was diagnosed with cerebellar atrophy. Mr. Wei received targeted treatment for the disease, but did not see any improvement and the symptoms became gradually aggravated. At this time he also had paroxysmal syncope attacks. He received traditional Chinese medicine treatment for 1 year, then his bowel and bladder problems had some improvement and the edema decreased, but his difficulty with walking became worse. A MRI examination of the head indicated that he had a lacunar infarction and had senile brain atrophy. Mr. Wei was diagnosed with cerebrovascular disease and received appropriate treatment, but his condition still showed no obvious improvements. The bowel and bladder dysfunctions and syncope attacks became gradually aggravated. The local hospital gave him Ganglioside for treatment. After the treatment all four limbs had some improvement. But when he discontinued taking the Ganglioside for 2 months, the symptoms became aggravated again. Mr. Wei returned to the local hospital several more times but the symptoms became even more serious within the past half year. He was eventually diagnosed with multiple system atrophy at the local hospital. Initially, either Mr. Wei or his family paid too much attention to the symptoms and still considered the symptoms as part of a cerebrovascular disease. He completely lost the ability to walk 2 months ago, and couldn't take care of himself. Mr. Wei's family learned about our medical center and how we could possibly help with his diagnosis of multiple system atrophy, and then decided Mr. Wei should come to our hospital for treatment.

The admission neurological examination showed:
Mr. Wei was alert and his mental faculties were good. His verbal fluency was low. His memory, calculation and orientation abilities were all normal. Both pupils were equal in size and round, the diameter was 2.5 mm. Both eyeballs could move freely and reacted normally to light stimulus. Horizontal nystagmus, convergence barrier. The forehead wrinkle pattern was symmetrical; he had strong eye closing ability. The bilateral nasolabial sulcus was equal in depth. The teeth were shown without deflection. He was unable to expand his cheeks with air. The lingualis muscle had slight tremors. He had strong cheek muscles and a strong soft palate. No muscle tension in the neck. The muscle strength of both upper limbs was level 4; the muscle strength of both lower limbs was level 3+. The muscle strength of all four limbs was normal; The tendon reflexes of both upper limbs was almost normal; the tendon reflexes of both lower limbs were slightly active. The abdominal reflex was not active. The sucking reflex was positive, the bilateral jaw reflex was positive, Hoffmann's sign was negative, bilateral Rossilimo's sign was negative, Babinski's sign was negative, bilateral ankle clonus was positive. He had normal sensitivity to pain. Mr. Wei had difficulty cooperating with the finger-nose test, rapid rotation test and digital opposition test. His motions were slow, uneven rhythms, and the difficulties on the left side were more obvious. The bilateral knee-shin test showed instability in the legs, and his standing was unstable. He had difficulty walking without assistance. He had difficulty turning over, sitting up or standing up from a chair. There were no signs of meningeal irritation.

From the onset of the illness, Mr. Wei's diet and sleeping quality were good, no nausea or vomiting. He was unable to control his bowel movements, and required an abdominal massage and hot compress to help with his bowel movements. He had catheterization to facilitate urination. There were no significant changes in his body weight.

We initially gave Mr. Wei a complete examination. Then we proceeded with the self stem cells activation treatment to repair the damaged neurons. Mr. Wei received treatment to improve the blood circulation to increase the blood supply to the damaged neurons. We also gave him daily physical rehabilitation.

Mr. Wei is now in a better mental state, the edema in both ankles has decreased obviously, the orthostatic hypotension has been controlled, the frequency of his fainting spells has decreased greatly, and his general weakness has decreased. He can now turn over with someone assisting him and can stand up more easily. The horizontal nystagmus has decreased.

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