Linda Rouen-Parkinson disease (USA)

NAME: Linda Rouen

SEX: Female


AGE: 59

DIAGNOSIS: Parkinson's Syndrome Stage III


REASON FOR TREATMENT: Linda was suffering from Parkinson's symptoms for 5 years. During the last year her condition deteriorated and she considered having DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) surgery. Eventually, Linda decided to come to China for stem cell treatment.

DIAGNOSIS: Parkinson's Syndrome (stage III on Hoehn/Yahr scale).


TREATMENT: hRPE stem cells implantation (human Retinal Pigment Epithelial cells) - (adult stem cells) via stereotactic brain injection plus nutritious stem cell cocktail treatment (intravenous).


Linda's main symptoms were rigidity and stiffness in the left side of her body. She had mild tremors mainly in her left hand and had difficulty grasping small objects or holding things with her fingers. She would drag her left leg while walking and while at rest the muscles in her legs and toes would contract. During the night her muscles would contract constantly, making it difficult for her to get more than a few hours of sleep each night. Her muscles were very weak and she would tire quickly, her posture was stooped and she suffered from a general tenseness and stiffness in her face, neck and back. Without the affects of the medications she could not turn her neck and would have to turn her whole body in order to look back.

Every morning, before the medications started to take effect, it would be difficult for her to get dressed as well as to get out of bed or take a shower.

Before the treatment Linda took her medications every 2-3 hours (Dosage 250mg x 8 times a day). One hour after taking the medications Linda's symptoms were hardly noticed, but the medications' affects would wear off quickly and Linda's every activity was dependant on her next dose of medications.

During the last few years Linda's short term memory was affected up to a point where she had to quit her job in human resources. Her hand writing was affected too. Even after taking the medications, it was still very scratchy and hard to read.

Linda also suffered from general anxiety and depression.


Linda's first notable change after the surgery was a full night's sleep - the first one in 5 years.  Within 5 weeks after the stem cell implantation most of Linda's symptoms were gradually gone. Her fingers got their flexibility back and the tremors were gone. She could now grasp things, open a door and make more precise movements with her fingers. The cramps in her legs were gone and she stopped dragging her left leg.

"I don't need to think anymore about every movement, as I did before", she says. 
Her muscle tension was significantly reduced, she felt more relaxed and stronger than before.

Her posture improved and she could now turn her neck more easily.

Before leaving the hospital Linda still had some weakness in her muscles but she felt that she is getting stronger every day.

Linda also noticed that her sense of smell and taste that were greatly weakened during the last few years were coming back.

A major change in her quality of life was that now her symptoms were unnoticeable with almost half the dosage of the medications she used to take before. Linda is now taking medications 4 times a day (Sinemet 200mg X4 times a day) instead of 8 times of double the dosage that she used to take before the treatment.

"I used to look at the clock all the time, I stopped swimming and riding my bicycle and other activities because I never knew when the affects of the medications would wear out", she says.

Linda hopes that her medications will be gradually reduced even more, and she will keep in close contact with her doctors in China in order to follow up with her condition.

On June 12, 2007, two months after Linda returned home from Beijing, she wrote in an email to the hospital:

"I feel good; my symptoms only show up if I am late in taking my medications or if I am really stressed. Everyone who knows me says I look and sound so much better now than before I left for China. I feel stronger all the time."

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