Basil L. Wheeler-Parkinson disease (USA)
Name: Basil L. Wheeler
Sex: Male
Country: USA
Age: 62
Diagnosis: Parkinson's Disease (stage 3-4 )
Before Treatment:
Nine years ago, Basil had problems with his writing (the handwriting got smaller over time), then his movements slowed, especially his walking. His condition gradually got worse. He had little facial expressions. He had difficulty turning over, walking and turning round. His fine motor skills were impaired. He had spasms and pain frequently. His voice was low and weak and he slurred his speech. His body was severely rigid and stiff and as a result, was in a bending position. Muscle tone was tight; cogwheel rigidity was present in all of his extremities. He had some symptoms of a brain disorder such as visual hallucinations.
He received one neural stem cell injection by stereotactic brain injection on May, 24th. On June 22, he received a neural stem cell injection via subarachnoid cavity by lumbar puncture.
After Treatment:
Basil has more facial movement, overall stiffness has improved, and he can speak louder.