John Ang-Parkinson disease (Singapore)

Name: John Ang
Sex: Male
Country: Singapore
Age: 45
Diagnosis: Parkinson's Disease

Before Treatment:
John was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease 7 years ago. His movements progressively slowed and he had writing difficulty for over 7 years. The right side of his body was affected more severely. He had dysarthria and posture tremors. He had difficulty initiating movement and the muscle tone in the right side of his body was higher than normal. He developed anxiety after he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.

John received 4 stem cells injections into the subarachnoid cavity through a lumbar puncture. (2007-11-15 pain and soreness in the waist; 2007-11-29 headache and vomiting; 2007-12-10; 2007-12-19)

After Treatment:
The postural tremors in his upper limbs were alleviated completely, the muscle tone in his right upper limb decreased and he can move his right hand more flexibly. He can make precise movements better than before. The alternate movement of the right upper limb has improved. He can write faster than before. The rigidity in the right side of the body has been largely alleviated. He can initiate his movements faster than before and he has more facial expression. His feelings of anxiety were gone after the treatment.


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