Rachel Ekstein-Parkinson disease (Belgium)
Name: Rachel Ekstein
Sex: Female
Country: Belgium
Age: 70
Diagnosis: Parkinson's Disease (StageII)
Before Treatment:
Rachel was diagnosed with Parkinson's syndrome 2 years ago. She felt weak and had problems with her balance and when she walked, felt unstable and would fall easily. She was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease at a local hospital. The disease progressed gradually and about one year ago she could only walk for a very short distance by herself and her movements were slow. She was so weak that she could only walk with assistance. She had tremors in both upper limbs, but they were more severe in her left side. She had mild anarthria causing her speech difficulties. She also had a convergence defect.
Rachel received 4 neural stem cell injections (2008-03-14; 03-25; 04-03; 04-11)
After Treatment:
The anarthria improved after the treatment. Rachel's tremors in her upper limbs were alleviated. Her balance improved and she can now walk better with the use of a walker.