Sheila Anne Harber-Parkinson disease (UK)
Name: Sheila Anne Harber
Sex: Female
Country: United Kingdom
Age: 66
Diagnosis: Parkinson's Disease
Before Treatment:
Sheila was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease 18 years ago. She had tremors in her right thumb and was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in a local hospital. Soon after, she developed tremors in her upper limbs. She was taking Madopar 15 years ago. She had pain in both feet and legs and then her movements slowed. When she walked she had difficulty keeping her balance and could not walk for long distances. She had received DBS treatment and after the surgery her movement difficulties improved but her condition became serious 6 months after the DBS surgery. While on Madopar, her tremors occurred only when she was depressed. About one year ago, her symptoms of slow movement and balance disturbance were aggravated. She made the decision to come to China for further treatment. The main symptoms after arriving included slow movement, tremors in her upper limbs, balance disturbance while walking and turning around. Her mental status was poor, and had developed dementia. She had slow response time, slurred speech, and difficulty initiating movement.
Sheila received 4 neural stem cell injections (2008-01-29; 02-14; 02-26; 03-15).
After Treatment:
Sheila's tremors decreased, and her comprehension and judgment ability improved.