Lee Han - Parkinson (China)

Name: Lee
Sex: Male
Country: China
Age: 72
Diagnoses: 1. Parkinson's disease 2. Hypertension - level 1, very high risk
Admission Date: 2011-03-21
Days Admitted to the Hospital: 35

About three years ago, Lee's family members started to notice he developed an abnormal gait when he would try to start walking. His body would lean forward and he could only walk slowly. Lee was unaware of the seriousness of his problems and just considered the difficulties as just a part of getting old. At this time he did not seek out medical treatment and the symptoms gradually became more severe, beginning about two years ago. He eventually went to the local hospital and the doctor considered Parkinson's disease and was put on anti-Parkinson's medication, the name and dosage is not known. Lee got another opinion at another hospital and the doctors there didn't think he had Parkinson's disease and discontinued his medication. With the progression of the disease, Lee had increased problems starting his walking, had slow movements and had difficulty turning around. At this point Parkinson's disease was considered and he was prescribed sinemet for treatment. Lee was able to walk short distances 8 months ago, and would fall occasionally. He needed others to assist him with his daily living. Although some activities like bathing, brushing his teeth, etc. could be done, these activities were done very slowly. Lee's diet was regular but his quality of sleep was poor.

During the examination of the nervous system, Lee was alert and in good spirits. His speech was fluent and the speech rate was normal. The volume of the speech was low. His memory, calculation abilities and orientation were normal. Both pupils were equal in size and round, the diameter was about 3.0mm's.The movement of both eyeballs was flexible and both pupils were sensitive to light stimuli. The forehead wrinkle pattern and nasolabial groove were symmetrical. The tongue was centered in the oral cavity. There were tremors in the muscles of the tongue. The muscles that raise the soft palate were normal. Lee could turn his head flexibly. He had difficulty with shrugging his right shoulder (the right shoulder joint had pain and limited movement). The muscle strength of the upper limbs was level 5; the muscle strength of the lower limbs was also level 5. The muscle tone of all four limbs was normal, the tendon reflexes of the upper limbs were normal. The tendon reflexes of the lower limbs were active. The bilateral Hoffmann's sign was negative. The bilateral Babinski's sign was positive. Lee was able to complete the finger-to-nose-test, rapid rotation test and the digital opposition test almost normally, but he still walked slowly and had difficulty beginning his movements. The Romberg's sign was poor. There were no signs of meningeal irritation.

Before the beginning of the stem cell treatment, Lee received all of the relevant examinations and was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. He was given treatment in order to expand the blood vessels and nourishment for the neurons. He was also given nerve activation treatment. This was combined with physical rehabilitation training.

After the completion of the stem cell treatment and physical rehabilitation training, Lee's condition showed good improvement. He has less difficulty starting his movements. His walking speed is uniform and he can begin walking from a standing position almost normally. There is still some difficulty when he changes position from a sitting to a standing position, and this fluctuates. Turning around is easier than before, but still requires 3-4 steps. After Lee exercises, he doesn't feel so exhausted anymore because his stamina has improved. The tendon reflexes of the lower limbs have been restored to normal. While standing, Lee's balance has improved. The Romberg's sign is now normal. The total range of movement of the shoulder joints has increased. The motor coordination is better than before. The volume of Lee's voice has increased as well.


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