Ursula Kluber-Parkinson Disease (UK)

Dr. Like Wu, Dr. Xiaojuan Wang and their medical team gave effective stem cell treatment to Ursula Kluber. Making the decision to travel to China changed her life.

Name: Ursula Kluber                               

Sex: Female

Country: UK

Age: 57

Diagnosis: Parkinson Syndrome (stage II on Hoehn/Yahr scale)

Beginning of treatment:January 17, 2008

Mdical history before treatment:

Ursula had been suffering from Parkinson's syndrome for seven years. Her symptoms increasingly got worse and she considered having DBS surgery (Deep Brain Stimulation). In the last two years prior to her treatment, her condition deteriorated and different procedures and drugs that she tried didn't seem to have any effect on her condition and she decided to come to China for stem cell treatment.

Ursula's main symptoms were rigidity and stiffness in the right side of her body. She also experienced back pain, her movement was significantly slowed and she suffered from tremors. Walking was difficult, as was turning around, especially in small spaces. She was unable to get out of, or turn over, in bed. Daily household tasks such as cleaning and making food were not possible. Her posture was stooped, she had difficulty walking and she felt restless, getting up and sitting down in her chair about every ten seconds while trying to stay seated.

Before the stem cell treatment, Ursula could not wash or comb her hair. She needed help putting on her jacket and shoes. She couldn't unscrew jars and open bottles and food had to be cut to small, manageable pieces for her. She also had trouble speaking and did not want to answer the telephone.

In the last two months before coming to Beijing for treatment Ursula deteriorated to the point where she couldn't walk more than 2 minutes before needing to take a rest, her husband and 16 year old daughter had to help her with almost every task of her daily life.


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Patient received 4 stem cells injections via lumbar puncture and nutritious stem cell cocktail treatment (intravenous) by Dr. Li Ke Wu and Dr. Xiaojuan Wang.

After stem cell treatment:

Ursula started seeing a noticeable change after the second stem cell injection when her restlessness stopped and she could sit still. During the following weeks, she improved steadily and gradually all of her symptoms were reduced significantly.

After the treatment, Ursula could get in and out of bed without aid and could turn in bed without difficulty. "At home," she explained, "I used to have to use a rope to get up."

Ursula remains slightly slow in some of her movements but she is now able to comb and wash her hair, she can dress herself and puts on her own shoes - and takes them off. Before, those tasks were impossible for her as she could not lift her right arm or her right leg. She prepares her own food and can open bottles and jars. She can walk and while walking her back is straight and her posture is normal. "Before the treatment, I was walking like a robot, needing to concentrate on every move" she says, "now walking feels normal again."

Ursula was able to keep busy the days before she left China; she went shopping for clothes and visited restaurants. She showed us how she was able to put on and take off her jacket by herself and that she now can cut fruit and prepares sandwiches, something she was not able to do before.

Ursula's general mood has also significantly improved. Her facial expressions are more natural and her speech is fluent and unaffected.

After her treatment, Ursula felt that the improvements she has made will make a tremendous change in her daily life. Just before she left we asked her if she had spoken to her daughter and she said, "Yes, I told her she can have her old mum back."


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