Don Buckley-Parkinson Disease (USA)

Name: Don Buckley                                 

Sex: Male

Country: USA

Age: 63

Disgnosis:Parkinson Disease, stage III (Hoehn/Yahr scale) steadily progressing to IV.

Beginning of treatment:3rd January,2007

Medical history before stem cell treatment: 

Don was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in November 2005. Since then his condition has been deteriorating rapidly. His main symptoms showed tremors on the left side, muscle tightness, balance problems and weakness.

Before the treatment Don was suffering from tremors in his left hand, left leg and face muscles. His speech was fast and unclear; his eyes were dry because he could not blink frequently enough. His muscles were tight and weak and he tended to shuffle and drag his legs rather than to walk. He used to freeze up in the middle of a movement. He was tiring very quickly, and felt dull and lifeless.  

Don could hardly get out of a bed, he could not button or fasten his clothes, and he could not towel himself, lace his shoes or brush his teeth. His handwriting was unreadable, and he could not sign his name.

Don was taking Parkinson's medications that helped reduce the tremors to a certain extent yet did not reduce the extreme weakness he felt. During the last year he increased his medication dosage twice. 


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Don received 4 injections of neural stem cells through the spinal cord fluid and nutritious cocktail treatment (IV) by Dr. Li Ke Wu and Dr. Xiaojuan Wang.

After stem cell treatment:

The first improvement Don felt during the treatment was that his face muscles stopped trembling and were more relaxed which allowed him more facial expressions and eased his speech.

His walking and balance improved, and he felt stronger than before. He could get out of bed more easily and his freeze ups stopped.

Before the treatment, Don experienced daily off-times (a few hours a day, before the medications take affect and when their influence weakens, his symptoms got very severe). After the treatment Don's off-times were completely gone. 

His handwriting improved significantly as did his ability to grasp small things as well as opening a bottle, or holding a pen. After the treatment Don was even able to use chopsticks.  Two months after the beginning of the treatment Don's tremors have almost disappeared. 



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