Jane M Paterson-Parkinson Disease

Name: Jane M Paterson                                                  

Sex: Female

Diagnosis: Parkinson's Disease stage III (Hoehn/Yahr scale)

Beginning of treatment: January 30th, 2006

Medical history before stem cell treatment:

Jane was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in spring 2001. During the last few months leading up to her treatment in 2007, Jane experienced an increase in the rate of deterioration in her condition.

Jane suffered from stiffness and rigidity in her legs, hands, neck and back, especially on the right side of her body. Her movements were very slow and she had difficulties with completing any task involving heightened dexterity. Her legs and hands would freeze in the middle of the movement. Her muscles were weak and she would tire very quickly.

She could walk in a straight line, but had to take slow and small steps in order to turn. It was very difficult for her to turn in small spaces. She had to think about every movement before performing them.

Before the stem cell treatment, Jane could not turn over in bed. She would sleep only on her back. She also suffered from painful and frequent cramps in her legs and got very poor sleep at night. She could not move her right leg while lying in bed and needed help to get out of bed or out of a chair.

Jane also could not turn her neck and had to turn her whole upper body in order to look to the side. She needed help dressing, fastening, buttoning, toweling, and taking her shoes on and off. Jane could not stretch her shirt down; she could not comb or wash her hair and could not cut a steak by herself.

Jane's speech was increasingly slow. She had difficulties grasping small things like taking small coins out of her purse or opening a bottle or a can.  For the last two years, she also could not write.



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Jane received hRPE stem cells implantation (human Retinal Pigment Epithelial cells, adult stem cells) by stereotactic brain injection and nutritious stem cell cocktail treatment (intravenous).

After stem cell treatment:

Jane showed physical improvements the very next day after the stem cells implantation and continued to improve rapidly from one day to the next. Within 6 weeks of the treatment all of Jane's Parkinson's symptoms were greatly reduced.

Jane can now naturally turn over in bed. She can easily get out of a bed or a chair, and turn in small spaces without difficulties. She can now turn her neck, comb her hair, wash and dress without help, put on her shoes and stretch her shirt down normally.

She can now open a bottle or can and take small coins out of her purse without much effort. Jane's cramps disappeared completely and her rigidity and stiffness is decreasing from day to day. While Jane still feels some weakness in her muscles, she has said that she feels she is getting stronger everyday and can now walk for up to two hours before getting tired.

Jane can now write clearly with little effort, getting used to writing in her natural handwriting style that she had to give up 2 years ago. 

"Writing is something that we take so much for granted," said Jane," Not being able to write was the reason I had to quit my job."

About two weeks after the operation, Jane bought a bicycle and rode without difficulty at a natural speed. Before the treatment, it had been over a year since Jane had last ridden a bicycle.

A few days before she left the hospital, Jane went skiing for a short while in an indoor snow dome in Beijing.



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