Michael Smith-Parkinson Disease (USA)

Michael Smith was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease 4 years ago. He came here on February 8th, 2008. He received an advanced stem cell treatment done by Dr. Li Ke Wu and Dr. Xiaojuan Wang.           

NAME: Michael Smith 

SEX: Male


AGE: 68

DIAGNOSIS: Parkinson Disease

Beginning of treatment:8th Feb, 2008

Medical history before stem cell treatment:

Mike was diagnosed with Parkinson's about four years before his arrival in China. Daily life was becoming more and more difficult for Mike and he was increasingly relying on his wife Carolyn to help him. With the Parkinson's symptoms increasingly getting worse and a strong sensitivity to the medications prescribed to him, Mike and his wife decided to come to China for stem cell treatment.

On arrival in China, Mike had tremors on the right side of his body. He was not able to tie his shoes or put a jacket on by himself. He did everything more slowly than he used to and his movements were ridged and unnatural. His walking was increasingly getting slower and he would have trouble turning sharp corners.

Mike would tire very easily while walking short distances or doing light garden work in his yard. He also lost his balance easily, making it difficult for him to move around and get in and out of chairs.

Mike also found it laborious to get up and get back into bed. Rolling over in bed was also difficult for him and required much more effort and time than it used to.

Mike's tremors made it difficult for him to eat, "it would get messy," his wife explained to us. Mike told us that, "eating out is embarrassing." In addition to eating, Mike also had problems buttoning shirts, combing his hair, shaving and writing. He also had trouble opening jars and bottles. This was partly due to tremors and partly because he was increasingly becoming weaker.

Carolyn added that Mike's face had changed and lacked expression.


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He received 4 stem cell injections via lumbar puncture and nutritious stem cell cocktail treatment (intravenous) by Dr. Li Ke Wu and Dr. Xiaojuan Wang.

After treatment:

After the second injection, Mike began to see improvements in his condition. He was able to roll over and get in and out of bed more easily than before and his walking improved a great deal. As his treatment progressed, he was able to see improvements in his fine motor skills which meant that he was able to use a knife and fork and comb his hair.

His tremors decreased a great deal, at one visit to his room his wife Carolyn said, "He ate a plate of spaghetti by himself last night; he would not have been able to do that when he arrived."

Mike was able to put on his jacket by himself, button his shirt and even shave. He was also able to walk further and more steadily than before. Turning sharp corners was easier for Mike after the treatment and he could move around more naturally and with less effort than before. On one of the final days, Mike was even spotted jogging down one of the hospital hallways during a medical examination.

Mike and his wife Carolyn were beaming with joy when they left the hospital and looked forward to getting home to their family. Mike told us that he missed his gardening and that he was especially looking forward to getting out and working in his yard again.


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