Ana mishova - Spinal cord injury (Macedonia) Posted on September 15, 2014
Name: Ana mishova
Sex: Female
Country: Macedonia
Age:19 years
Diagnosis: Spinal cord injury
Date:August 13, 2014
Days Admitted to Hospital: 21 days
Before treatment:
The patient fell down from 10 meters high place. She then lost the ability to move and feel. She was sent to a local hospital and was diagnosed with spinal cord injury. She received operation for the treatment of the spinal cord injury. After operation, the patient received rehabilitation training and electric stimulus to treat the flexion of toes. She had a foot drop. She suffered from Achilles tendon contracture and received operation to treat it. 5 months later, the patient's movement and sensory were restored gradually. Before treatment, the patient could sit-up and turn over. But she couldn't straightened her back or stand by herself. With assistance, using walking stick, the patient could walk. For further treatment, the patient came to our hospital and was diagnosed with spinal cord injury.
From onset of disease, the patient had good spirit. Her diet was normal. The sleep was regular. She had poor control of urine and defecation.
Admission PE:
Bp: 124/89mmHg; Hr: 82/min. Temperature: 36.5degrees. Br: 19/min. The skin and mucous was intact, with no yellow stains or hemorrhagic spots on skin. There was no bedsore. There was no congestion in pharyngeal. There was no enlargement in tonsil. The thorax was symmetrical. The respiratory sounds in both lungs were clear, with no obvious moist or dry rales. The heart sound was strong and the heart rate was 82/min. The rhythm of his heartbeat was normal with no obvious murmur in the valves. The abdomen was enlarged, with no obvious masses in abdomen. There was no tenderness or rebound tenderness in abdomen. The doctor did not touch the liver or spleen under the ribs. Through auscultation, the bowel sound was normal. There was no abnormalities in spine. Right toes was in a condition of flexion deformity. Both feet droop slightly. There was no abnormalities in other limbs.
Nervous System Examination:
Ana mishova was alert and her speech was clear. Her memory, calculation and orientation abilities were normal. Both pupils were equal in size and round, the diameter was 3.0mms, both eyeballs could move freely and the pupils reacted normally to light stimulus. The forehead wrinkle pattern was symmetrical. The tongue was centered in the oral cavity and the teeth were shown without deflection. The neck moved normally. The muscle strength to shrug her shoulder was strong. The muscle tone of her four limbs was normal. The muscle strength of both upper limbs was at level 5. The muscle strength of both feet of plantar flexion and dorsal flexion were at level 1. The muscle strength of both lower limbs' other part was at level 4. The patient could sit-up and turn over by herself. The patient couldn't straightened her back or stand by herself. The patient could walk with two walking sticks. The tendon reflex of both upper limbs was normal. The abdominal reflexes was not elicited. Left patellar tendon reflex and achilles tendon reflex were weaken. Right patellar tendon reflex and achilles tendon reflex were not elicited. The pain sensation below right L12 was slow down slightly. She had poor control of urine and it was more severe in the night. Other sensation was normal. Bilateral Hoffmann sign and Rossilimo sign were negative. Bilateral palm jaw reflex was negative. Bilateral Babinski sign was negative. Bilateral ankle clonus sign was negative. The coordinate examination of four limbs was normal. There was no meningeal irritation.
We initially gave Ana mishova a complete examination and the diagnosis was clear. The patient received treatment for nerve regeneration and to activate stem cells in vivo. She received treatment to improve her blood circulation in order to increase the blood supply to the damaged neurons and to nourish them. We also gave her daily physical rehabilitation training.
The right toes' flexion deformity is alleviated. The muscle strength of right toe is at level 2. Both ankle joints have slight activity. Right Achilles tendon reflex can be elicited. The pain sensation in right lower limb is almost normal. She has better control of urine.
Date: 2014-11-15
Subject: Re: Dear mr Wu and Wu Medical Center from Ana Mishova
Dr.Terri Liu,
hello doctor wu and wu medical center
I'mAna Mishova from Macedonia, Three months ago i had stem cells treatmentin your hospital. Results are good now. My question is what should i do now? What tests should I do?