Andrei Liavonchyk-Sequelae of spinal cord injury-(Belarus)
Patient name: Andrei Liavonchyk
Gender: Male
Age: 33 years old
Nationality: Belarus
Disease diagnosis: Sequelae of spinal cord injury
Before treatment:
The patient was admitted to hospital for "sequelae of spinal cord injury" because of "limb dyskinesia for 8 years after car accident". The patient had a history of gastritis and was treated with omeprazole and probiotics; the patient underwent cystostomy, often suffering from cystitis, intermittent use of ofloxacin, recurrent facial neuralgia, intermittent use of antispasmodic and anesthetic analgesics.
Admission for physical examination:
The patient's blood pressure 144/96mmHg, heart rate 88 beats / min, breathing 20 beats / min. The patient developed normally and had good nutrition. His lungs had clear breathing sounds and no rales. His heart sound was strong and rhythmic, and there was no murmur in each valvular area. His abdomen was flat and soft, and his liver and spleen were not enlarged. There was no edema in his lower limbs.
Neurological examination:
The patient was in a clear mind and spoke well. His memory, calculation and orientation were normal. His cranial nerve examination showed no abnormality. He had a soft neck, turned his neck and shrugged his shoulders normally. The proximal muscle strength of his left arm was grade 1-, and the distal muscle strength was grade 0; the muscle strength of his left wrist was grade 0, and his grip strength was grade 0. His proximal right arm muscle strength is grade 2+, distal muscle strength is grade 1+, his right wrist muscle strength is grade 0, and his right hand grip strength is grade 0. The muscle strength of his low back is grade grade 0. The muscle strength of both lower limbs was grade grade 0. The muscle tension of his upper limbs was basically normal, while that of both lower limbs was on the high side. He had moderate atrophy of both forearm muscles, thenar muscles of both hands, interpalmar muscles, and leg muscles. He had a decreased tendon reflex in both upper limbs. His bilateral abdominal wall reflexes disappeared. He had hyperreflexia in both lower extremities, trembling when moving or stimulating one side of the tendon, sometimes with tremors in the contralateral limb and upper limbs. Clonus could be seen in his lower limbs. The superficial and deep sensations below the segment 1 of both sides of the chest disappeared. His left Babinski sign was weakly positive and his right Babinski sign was positive. Meningeal irritation sign was negative.
Treatment process:
The patient’s diagnosis of admission was "sequela of spinal cord injury". Neural stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells were given spinal cord nerve repair therapy, CAST therapy was used to improve circulation, nourish nerve, regulate immunity and other treatment, and comprehensive rehabilitation treatment was given at the same time.
After treatment:
The motor function of the patients was improved, and the range of motion and flexibility of both arms were improved. The muscle strength of his left arm was grade 2+, from immobility to translation, and could be lifted to his abdomen when lying flat; his right forearm and wrist muscle strength increased by 1 level, grip strength was grade 2, and could complete the action of holding the cup and holding the cup to drink water; the preliminary movement of his hands and fingers could be seen. The muscle strength of both lower limbs increased by 1.5 grades, the actions of adducting and abducting could be seen, knee joints could be bent and supported, muscle strength of medial thigh and quadriceps femoris reached grade 2, and partial movement of toes could be seen. His spinal cord from T2 to T4 regained superficial sensation. His lower extremity clonus decreased, limb tremor and joint movement decreased. His facial neuralgia and migraine were significantly reduced. His cystitis has improved significantly. His energy, physical fitness and sports endurance have improved significantly.