Agustin Cuervo - Progressive spinal muscular atrophy (Argentina) Post on June 15, 2012

Name: Agustin Cuervo              
Sex: Male
Country: Argentina
Age: 3
Diagnosis: Progressive spinal muscular atrophy (PSMA)
Admission Date: May 14, 2012
Days Admitted to Hospital: 28
Agustin had nausea, vomiting and gastrointestinal discomfort. The symptoms lasted about 1 month and he gradually developed respiratory problems. He went to the hospital and was given a genetic examination and began using a non-invasive ventialator to help him breathe. When Agustin was 3 months old he was daignosed with spinal muscular atrophy and his breathing slowed problem and had to use a tracheostomy tube. At the same time, the non-invasive ventilator was switched to an invasive ventilator. Agustin also developed difficulty swallowing and had to be put on a specialized diet. Before being admitted to Wu Stem Cells Medical Center, Agustin could only move his eyes and fingers.

Nervous System Examination:
Agustin was conscious and alert. The comprehension and judgment ability were poor. But the patient could complete simple instructions. He couldn't cooperate with the calculation ability, insight and orientation examination. He also had asyndesis and limited expression ability. Both pupils were equal in size, the diameter was 3.0mms. Both pupils reacted normally to light stimulus. The range of movement of the eyeballs was still ok. This was combined with horizontal nystagmus. The patient was unable to open his mouth or stick his tongue out. He couldn't control his head. The muscle strength of all four limbs was level 0. There was only slight flexion and stretching ability of the fingers of both hands. There was muscle atrophy in all four limbs, shoulder girdle and trunk. The muscle tone of all four limbs was low. The abdominal reflexes and tendon reflexes of all four limbs were diminished. Both palm jaw reflexes were neutral. The bilateral Hoffmann's sign was neutral. The bilateral Babinski's sign was neutral. The patient couldn't cooperate with the sensation examination. He couldn't cope with the coordinated movement examination.

We initially gave Agustin a complete examination, and his diagnosis was clear. He received treatment to improve the blood circulation in order to increase the blood supply to the damaged neurons and to nourish them. He also received treatment to stabilize the cardio-pulmonary function and we controlled his heart rate. He also received neural activation treatment. This was accompanied with daily physical rehabilitation training.

During the treatment, the patient had no infections. The patient's spirit and emotion are stable. He has normal diet and bowel movement. The function of the gastrointestinal trac is stable than before. At present, the patient's heart rate is slow down than before. The heart function is progress than before. The respiratory sounds in both lungs are clear. The finger tip blood oxygen saturation increased from 95-97% to 96-99%. His respiratory function is improved too. After treatment, the patient could raise both eyelids more powerfully. He can open eyes longer and the range of open eyes extend too. There was still slight muscle atrophy with the movement of both upper limbs' near-end. The stability of both wrists has improved obviously. The control time of wrists is extend than before. The range of motion of both of the articulationes digitorum manus were slightly increased from before when both articulationes digitorum manus were in a certain posture. All the toes of both feet have slightly autonomic movement.


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