Anton Emelianov - SMA (Russia) Posted on May 15, 2014

Name:Anton Emelianov                 

Sex: Male

Country: Russia

Age: 2years and 4 months

Diagnosis: Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)

Date:April 06, 2014

Days Admitted to Hospital: 27 days

Before treatment:

The patient was delivered through the normal full-term normal delivery. The weight at the birth was 3.3Kg. His breathing and sucking had no abnormalities after birth. He could say "daddy" and "mommy" clearly when he was 8 months old. He could crawl, sit-up and stand with hands on object when he was 10 months old. He could walk with objects when he was 11 months. He couldn't walk independently when he was 16 months old. He was sent to a local hospital and he received examination. But the examination showed no abnormalities. When he was 20 months old, he still couldn't stand or walk by himself. He was sent to neural hospital and received EMG and DNA detection. He was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (type two). He received KORTECSIN for treatment, but the effect was not good. The patient suffered from reduction in flexibility movement. At present, the patient could only turn over and sit-up by himself. With assistance, the patient could stand, but couldn't walk. If he holds object, he could walk. The walking gait presented mild wadding gait. He only could say simple words, such as "daddy", "mommy" "Hello" and "Good By". He had no breathing difficulty or swallow difficulty. There was no mental retardation.

The patient had good spirit. He had normal diet and the defecation was normal. The patient's Great-Great aunt (his mother's father's sister) suffered from movement disorders of lower limbs. The cause of the disease was not clear. He had no infectious diseases.

Admission PE:

Temperature: 36.6 degree, Hr: 112/min, Br: 21/min, Bp: 85/55mmHg. Height: 88cm, weight: 16Kg. The skin and mucosa was normal, with no breakage or hemorrhagic spots. Thorax was symmetry, with no deformity. The respiratory sounds in both lungs were clear, with no dry or moist rales. The cardiac rhythm was regular, with no obvious murmur. The abdomen was flat and soft, with no palpable masses. There was no swelling in both lower limbs. He could turn over and sit-up by himself. He could stand with some assistance. He could stand by himself, but he couldn't walk by himself. With holding other's hand or bed edge, the patient could walk. The walking gait presented wadding gait.

Nervous System Examination:

Anton Emelianov was conscious and alert. He only could say simple words, such as "daddy", "mommy", "hello" and "good-bye".  He couldn't cooperate with the calculation ability, insight and orientation examination. Both pupils were equal in size, the diameter was 3.0mms. Both pupils reacted normally to light stimulus. The movement of the eyeballs was flexible. There was no obvious nystagmus. The vision and visual field was normal through simple measurement. The muscle strength of both upper limbs was at level 5. The muscle strength of both lower limbs was at level 4 and the muscle strength of both feet was at level 2. The muscle tone of four limbs was normal. Bilateral biceps reflex and radioperiosteal reflex was weak. Bilateral patellar tendon reflex disappeared. Bilateral Achilles tendon reflex was elicited.  Both palm jaw reflexes were negative. The grasping reflex was negative. Bilateral Hoffmann's sign was negative. Bilateral Babinski's sign was negative. He was able to do the finger-to-nose test, the digit opposition test and rapid rotation test in a stable manner. He had difficulty with heel-knee-tibia test. The patient couldn't cooperate with the sensation examination. There was no meningeal irritation.


We initially gave Anton Emelianov a complete examination, and his diagnosis was clear. He received treatment for nerve regeneration and to activate stem cells in the body. Then he received treatment to improve the blood circulation in order to increase the blood supply to the damaged neurons and to nourish them. This was accompanied with daily physical rehabilitation training.


After treatment, the patient's iliopsoas muscle strength and both lower limbs' muscle strength have increased than before. He can turn over and sit-up quickly. He can stand by himself and can stand for a longer time by himself. He couldn't walk before the treatment, now he can walk for a longer distance independently. At most, he can walk 9 steps. The muscle strength of both lower limbs is at level 4+ and the far-end is at level 3. Bilateral side has patellar tendon reflex.

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